Suredbits 2018: Year In Review

Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2019

2018 was a pivotal year for Suredbits. With the release and growth of Lightning Network technology in late 2017, we were able to fully begin making our vision of democratized data a reality. While there were many milestones (and long nights) along the way, we have compiled our major achievements for the year.

Implemented Bitcoin-S (Scala) into one of the largest U.S. crypto exchanges. In 2018 we integrated our open source bitcoin library ( into one of the largest bitcoin exchanges in the world. We overhauled bitcoin-s to support multiple currencies so now you can do transaction signing with multiple utxo based coins like Litecoin, Zcash, and Bitcoin Cash. We will be open sourcing this work in 2019 and augmenting this with our node project so we can support spv nodes for multiple cryptocurrencies

Launched a Lightning application API for streaming National Football League (NFL) data — this was the first Lightning app for data supporting all NFL teams and players. For the first time ever, people could access data and pay for it with cryptocurrency. We built four separate channels: Games, Players, Teams and Stats that people could query and pay for in satoshis. We also added live updates to the service shortly after launch.

Launched a Lightning application API for streaming National Basketball Association (NBA) data — this was our second Lightning app for data supporting all NBA teams and players. Built similar in structure to our NFL Lightning application with Games, Players, Teams and Stats channels.

First Lightning application API for streaming cryptocurrency exchanges data — this app marks the first time, that we are aware of at least, that a person could stream data — in this case cryptocurrency markets — using crypto technology. Built using websocket APIS, developers can customize their queries to stream and pay (in Satoshis) for whatever data they want.

Crypto Exchange early stage work-in-progress

We started with two exchanges, Bitfinex and Binance, and added Coinbase in December. Customers can query three channels familiar to any investor or trader: Tickers, Trades, and Order Books. We have immediate plans for building more depth in our Crypto Exchange API by adding additional exchanges and customers should see more of them in early 2019.

2018 was a critical year for not only Suredbits but also the Bitcoin and Lightning Network as a whole. Many great companies and developers have worked and collaborated on amazing projects (here a few We have watched the Lightning Network grow from an idea to a reality going from less than 50 nodes to start 2018 to now over 5,000. At Suredbits, we are happy to be a part of this incredible community and are excited to see what 2019 brings.

For updates follow us on Twitter @Suredbits. If you’re interested in chatting more about Lightning Network technology or crypto in general, feel free to join our Suredbits Slack community.

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