Suredbits API: Javascript/Typescript Client Library

Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2019

We have released a JavaScript/TypeScript Client library today to improve customer’s ability to onboard and interact with our API services.

We wanted to improve the developer experience and make it easier to query our APIs and start building. This library helps developers automatically properly format the requests as well as get return types of responses so you don’t have to keep your nose in the API documentation while building and testing your application.

This library is fully compatible with the three lightning protocol implementations: LND (Lightning Labs), c-lightning (Blockstream) and Eclair (ACINQ).

It is available on npm as sb-api. Adding it to your project is easy:

npm install — save sb-api # or with yarn, if you prefer thatyarn add sb-api

Configuring your Lightning client is straightforward:

If you’re using a different Lightning client or the default settings do not work , we got you covered. Check out our documentation to see how you can use Eclair or c-lightning, as well as how to provide custom configuration of your client.

Making a request should not be a challenge either:

Check out our API documentation at for code samples for all Lightning clients and all requests you can make to our API. We will also be releasing separate guides for our NFL, NBA and Crypto Exchange APIs over the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

If you’re interested in chatting more about Lightning Network technology or crypto tech, you can find us on Twitter @Suredbits or join our Suredbits Slack community.

Some additional reading you may find of interest:

