RMT Token Swap Halts on 30th of July 2018

Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2018

Dear All,

The past few months we have implemented various measures to halt the trading of the old RMT. This had the desired effect but unfortunately we could not eliminate trading completely, this is beyond our control. To phase out trading of the old RMT altogether, combined with a successful swap process so far, we decided to make the swap process only available upon request as of the 30th of July 2018.

After this date it will only be possible to swap your old RMT by contacting @Sellucius in our Telegram community SureRemit Circle: https://t.me/sureremit We will then arrange for you to swap your tokens, aiming to do so within 48 hrs. The swap process itself will remain the same.

For those of you who have not swapped their old RMT for new RMT please do so before the 30th of July 2018 deadline.

Thank you!


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