SureRemit App Launch Date

Published in
1 min readJul 13, 2018

Dear all,

It’s with great pleasure that we announce the launch date of the SureRemit app, we’ll launch the app on the 30th of July 2018! We had to overcome several hurdles, but managed to deal with them all. The credit card integration is a success and has a very intuitive design. We will use the time until app launch to continue improving the app, testing and preparing sales & marketing and support.

When the app is launched we’ll organize an ‘AMA’ with the team to provide you with the opportunity to have any questions answered.

We’re grateful for your support and are aware that you want SureRemit to succeed as much as we do, let’s continue working together as a community to make this happen.

Stay up to date with all the latest info join the SureRemit Community on Reddit and Telegram.

