Francesco Catapano
Surf Worldwide
4 min readJan 27, 2017


Ph. by baleixophoto

We had the pleasure to interview one of the most important big wave surfers, Andrew “Cotty” Cotton.

Born in Plymouth, English blood, Andrew is the synthesis of the 360º modern adventurer. Always exploring the boarders of his mental and body conditions, Andrew’s life was marked by the passion for the ocean since he was a child.

After working in a surfboard factory and as a plumber, he started to approach big wave surfing, giving a precious contribute to the exploration of the Ireland’s biggest peaks.

Then he turned his attention to Nazaré, in Portugal, where in 2012 towed Garrett McNamara into what the Guinness Book of World Records certified as the biggest wave ever surfed.

This is our conversation with him, where he told us about his life, passions and ideas for the future.


Ph. by Tomdmorgan

When did you realize that big wave surfing was what you wanted to do?

There was never a specific time just a natural progression I think, I enjoyed surfing big waves and always pushed myself. The waves have just got bigger and bigger and I’ve yet to find the ceiling!

What does it means to stay in the ocean surrounded by those water made monsters?

It makes me feel alive, the ocean is a very dangerous and scary place and you have to give it 100% respect. Being surrounded by all that energy is an amazing experience.

Which is your physical and mental training for big wave surfing?

Physical is continuous, cardio, strength and conditioning, yoga. I try and keep a lot of it surf specific and functional to what I do. I also mix it up with a bit of swimming and breath holding stuff. Mentally I have goals to aim for and enjoy visualizing the waves I want to surf .

You worked a lot of years in a surfboard factory: how was shaping boards, and did this kind of work helped you to improve your vision of surfing?

Working in the surfboard factory enabled me to work with my surfing passion, I surfed and traveled a lot and it really helped my surfing career professionally as I have that inside industry knowledge. I still always like to take advice from the best shapers though regardless!

Ph. by

You supported McNamara towing-in him into the the Nazaré’s Guinness World Record wave: did you have the impression that that wave was so big? How long was your preparation for that day?

That day was pretty magical, actually the first 3 years at Nazaré were like a dream. It was the Disney park for big wave surfers and I had the golden ticket with no one else there but just a couple friends !!

What are your goals for the future?

I have a lot of goals with my surfing but to sum it up briefly. Bigger waves, more projects and a lot of fun.

Visit Andrew’s website at or his Facebook Page




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