Francesco Catapano
Surf Worldwide
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2016


EARTH DAY 2016: Are You Ready to Join the Change?

In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.

- Iroquois Maxim (circa 1700–1800)

After 45 edition we still have to consider the Earth day not a celebration of the beautiful one and only Planet where we live and die, but as a way to point out what we have still to do to start the change.


Earth Day, 1970

Earth day, since 1970, when 22 millions Americans celebrated clean air, water and land, is one of the most important event about environment, from coast to cost.It was revolutionary, because showed that people really cared.

And they still care.

Today, what we have to do, is manteining alive the spirit of that “Golden Age” of the Environmental movement, because we are too close to overcome the point of no return.


This Earth Day will be a worldwide moment for sharing the idea that change is possible, in order to “diversify the environmental movement worldwide and to mobilize it as the most effective vehicle to build a healthy, sustainable environment, address climate change, and protect the Earth for future generations”.

This Earth Day and beyond, big things will happen. Mission is planting 7.8 billion trees for the Earth, in order to divest from fossil fuels and make cities 100% renewable.

Change is a must,

and at Honula, we know what it mean when your playground, the ocean where you Surf, swim or just relax, is a garbage store.

We are involved in the cause of fighting ocean plastic pollution, and in cleaning our beaches.

For further infos go to .


