Francesco Catapano
Surf Worldwide
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2017

Imagine to be a 6 years old kid from Belgium. Imagine your life, your happy life with your family in the old Western Europe.

Now change scenario.

Imagine that you move to an exotic Central America’s paradise with your family, and you start to do what you love more: surfing and surfing and surfing. Every day.

This is exactly what happened to Dean “Deano” Vandewalle.

15 years old, Deano is one of the athletes sponsored by Hurley (John John Florence is the best performer of this brand, just to give you an idea), Pukas Surfboards, Creatures of Leisure. He is a member of Hurley global grommets team and one of the rising talents of surfing. The exotic paradise where he started at 9 to join (and win) surf contests is Costa Rica. Since then, thanks to his family and then to sponsors , Deano is experiencing a life where waves and travels in awesome destinations are normal routine for him.

We asked him about his life and obviously about surfing.


Dean you are experiencing an amazing lifestyle made of waves and travel: do you feel lucky for this, and how everything started?

Yes I feel very grateful. I started surfing because every year we would go on vacations to Costa Rica to surf some place warm because we lived in Belgium. We started going there so often that we ended up moving there. I surfed everyday with my dad. Now I travel around the world looking for surf and I love to compete.

What is your first memory linked to surfing?

My first memory of myself surfing was when I was like 6 years old. I got this wave and I went left, right and the wave never broke. I thought this was the coolest thing the world.

How is your typical day when you are home in Costa Rica, and what did you learn about Central American culture?

My typical day at home involves surfing, school, eating, physical training, and hanging out with some friends. I learned that in the Central American culture everyone is super nice and shares everything.

Who is your inspiration in life and in surfing?

My Inspiration in life and surfing is Mick Fanning, he goes 100% in everything he does and is always super focused and consistent. He is an incredible human being, as well.

What do you think that are your strengths as a surfer and what would you like to improve?

My strengths in surfing are airs, big turns and frontside barrels. I need to improve on backside airs, backside barrels and keeping everything tight on the face of the wave.

Which are your favorite spots and why?

Some of my favorite spots in the world are Rifles, a super long barrel, Ollies Point, a long rippable right hander and Pavones, one of the longest lefts in the world.

What will wait for you in the future?

Try to surf as much as I can and keep improving, do well in contests and go on some sick trips.

Visit Dean’s Facebook Page and his website to know more about him.




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