Francesco Catapano
Surf Worldwide
4 min readJan 5, 2017


Ph. by Ben Thouard

Modern society (or “social media society”) is based on a visual culture that changed the way we get attracted by contents.

Images, video, gifs. And surfing isn’t an exception. But creating a surf related visual content isn’t like taking shots of strangers in a crowded square. What is already considered since decades a form of art, with surfing photography goes to another level, where the artist/photographer is an athlete and nature addicted too.

Ben Thouard perfectly fits in this concept of photographer, and his life was connected with the ocean since the beginning. He grew up in the south of France, his father was a sailor that taught him everything about the ocean, and transmitted an education based on the respect and passion for the sea. Thanks to his older brothers, he felt in love with surfing. He told us about his life, career and passions.


Ph. by Ben Thouard

Ben you are considered one of the best worldwide surfing photographers. Can you tell us how everything started?

I started surfing when I was 8 and always loved being in the ocean. Later as a teenager I discovered photography and started shooting my friends surfing. This is pretty much when everything lined up. I went for a photography school in Paris but couldn’t stand living in a big city, so I took a ticket to Maui — Hawaii, to start shooting windsurfers as I had a good contacts with a French windsurf magazine.

This is where everything really started. After this first trip I traveled the world for 4 years before going to Tahiti for the first time, where I decided to settle down.

Ph. by Ben Thouard

What is that makes your job different from the one of a “normal” photographer?

I love taking photo while swimming and I think that’s where being a surf photographer looks different from any other kind of photography. It’s a challenge to take a good photo while being in the water swimming.

Ph. by Ben Thouard

Which is the technical base for surfing photography?

Anticipation !

You always need to be ready and to know what is going to happen, in order to move yourself in the right spot. It is always a question of inches to get the right shot. It takes time and experience to bring something fresh.

Your photos were the covers of basically every famous surfing magazine worldwide: there is a photo that has a particular story that you want to share with us?

Yes, that underwater shot of Landon McNamara at Teahupoo that I named The Silver Surfer is probably my most well known photo.

I shot it in 2013 in Teahupoo. I was shooting the whole morning underwater without knowing who the surfer was all the time I took a photo. I was just looking for the right light and wave, more than the surfer. At the end of the day I came home and started editing, I saw this shot and felt in love with it but could not find who the surfer was.

It took me a year to find out who he was after posting the shot several times on social medias.

Ph. by Ben Thouard

Who is the man behind the camera?

First of all I’m a surfer, I love surfing and being in the ocean. I’m also a dad of 2 girls that I raise in Tahiti.

How would you describe your connection with nature?


I live in Teahupoo in the very south part of Tahiti. It’s completely wild and raw, a very quiet life in close connection with nature. I live in front of the Ocean, and spend some time in the ocean everyday.

So I would say that I’m in a deep relationship with nature

Ph. by Ben Thouard

What do you think if I say Teahupoo?

Home ;-) but of course perfection and power.

Ph. by Ben Thouard

What are your plans for the future?

Hopefully being part of great projects around the ocean.

I wish I can communicate and sensitize people about how important and how fragile the ocean is and how we need to protect it.

Ph. by Ben Thouard

To see other amazing works from Ben, check his website and his Facebook Page.


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