The violin and the giants.

Introducing you Nuno Santos, the one who played violin while surfing Nazaré’s giant waves

Francesco Catapano
Surf Worldwide
6 min readDec 29, 2016


When we usually think about surfers we can easily stumble upon commonly held stereotypes. It is really difficult to erase from popular imagination the idea of a long blond haired guy who cares only about waves, sleeps in his old van parked in front of the sea, and plays ukulele while he is waiting for the next swell.

But what we like about stereotypes is that they are made for being destroyed (or at least they allows exceptions to surprise you).

Today we introduce you Nuno Santos, a local surfer from Nazaré in Portugal and enthusiastic violin player, the surfers who challenged giant waves while playing his beloved violin.

Don’t you feel curious to know about this apparently bizarre but fascinating meeting between sport and music?


Music and Surf. What is that connects these two passions?

Music and sports have been part of my life since I was a child; I started studying music and doing sports (swimming and surf) when I was 5 and never stopped. Both things complete me as an individual and I can’t live without them.

Ph by Pedro Miranda Photography

How music became part of your studies and life?

Music came early in time, as well as sport. It was a way my parents found to keep me busy and away from the street, and because I’ve always been a “good boy”, I used to study and train hard in both occupations.

Later in time I ended up studying Sport Sciences (Graduation, Master and PhD), but I had always the sound of violin around me in all kinds of my musical projects (metal, jazz, pop/rock, classical).

Tell us about “A violin in the most unlikely places” , how did you have the idea? Where did you play and which is now the status of the project?

The idea at the base of A violin in the most unlikely places started when I travelled and worked for 3 years around the world. I always took the violin with me, and because I had some jobs in unlikely settings (cloud forest, desert, amazon, etc.), I just started gathering a bunch of photos playing the violin in these places, and that’s when the idea for A violin in the most unlikely places begun.

So far, I’ve played the violin in the highest volcanoes and mountains of South America, in the Amazon, surfing big waves and swimming with wales and dolphins. I’m now looking to set a world record playing & surfing a really big wave in my homebreak.

What is the first thought you have if I tell you: “Nazarè”?


When did you ride your first big wave? Did you make a special training?

Ph by Andrea Carminati

Because I’m from Nazare, big waves have always been part of my life. However, only after Garret MacNamara came to town and showed us how to properly drive a jet-ski and surf those beasts that we started surfing really big waves at Praia do Norte.

I train myself hard to keep fit (swimming, cycling, strength conditioning and flexibility). Because in big wave surfing you never know when a giant swell might come, and you must keep in shape and injured free (as much as possible) to be ready for the big days whenever they come.

Moreover, because I did all my academic studies in Sport Sciences, I believe to have the knowledge to train myself in the best way possible for Nazaré.

Can you tell us something about McNamara and the crew, how is being part of a worldwide famous group of big wave surfers?

I still remember the 1st day Garrett came to town. I was surfing alone in the village side and he showed up in a SUP; we got a few waves together and he then asked me if I wanted to paddle with him to Praia do Norte and get some bombs (it was around 20/25 feet out there).

On that moment I had contradictory feelings: on one hand, I wanted to go and suddenly I had one of the best in the world asking me to join him; however, I also knew I didn’t had the physical and mental preparation for it, neither the right gear (board, vests, etc.). I saw him paddle all the way around the cliff and said to myself that I would do whatever it took to prepare myself properly for the next chance.

You made the Soundtrack for Mercedes Red Chargers, how did you get your inspiration?

Ph by José Pinto

I work as a lecturer in a local university and because I have an intellectualy demanding job, I need to go to my music room at the end of the day and let my imagination fly.

Obviously this also requires focus and discipline, but it’s just something that comes up naturally as long as I can empty my mind from the daily stress.

What is that pushes someone to challenge giant waves? Did you ever get to a point where you realised you were in real danger?

I like to challenge myself physically and mentally because this helps me to become a better person. And it’s not only about big wave surfing; I’ve also climbed big mountains in the past (and want to continue doing it in the future), or made big crossings (Cloud Forest, Amazon, etc.). But these kind of experiences require much time and focus, and right now my main priority is family and the education of my beautiful daughter, so I’m happy doing music and surfing big waves.

Ph by Christina Pahnke

What are your favourite musician and favourite surfer, and why?

This is a difficult one. Let’s just say that, more than surfers or musicians, my references are genuine but excellng people. In other words, I admire people that are incredible in whatever they do, and that are also amazing human beings.

Do you want to say something to inspire kids to learn music and/or surfing?

Whatever you do, make sure that is something that genuinely helps you to become a better person. Be focused, methodic and disciplined as great things in life are only achieved through continuous effort and dedication.

Ph by Jorge Figueira

What are your next plans?

Plans are keep on playing my violin in the most unlikely places that I can think about!

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