Crossing every surface we find

Keith Stevens
Surface Crossings
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2017

So it’s not news that we, as human beings are generally afraid of the unknown. It is also not news that we, as human beings, are ready and open to expanding that which defines “we”. How do we chose between these two conflicting tendencies?

To answer that question, a collective has formed. We call ourselves Surface.

What is Surface?

For us, Surface represents the barrier that exists between any two ideas, people, or things that exposes how they appear to be different. That Surface may be very real and impenetrable or constructed and permeable. Think the beach, where the ocean meets the land. Or a border between two counties. Or our reaction when a friend responds in a way we can’t understand. Those are each a Surface.

Exploring and crossing these surfaces poses a major challenge. To truly cross any surface, it can’t be done alone and it can’t be done in any person’s lifetime. And that’s okay. Taking on endeavours that outlast us makes these acts worthwhile. So we will start small, make mistakes, and grow with all our might.

So who are we?

We are multi-minded, multi-gendered, and multi-cultural. Together, we want to consciously highlight the ways in which we are different and the same. We want to document and create ways in which we can manage or break down the barriers we’ve constructed. Some of these efforts will be creative, some will be logistical, some will be commercial. As a whole though, we want to show where our Surfaces exist in relation to the rest of the world and how we can expand that surface until it ceases to exist.

Our first ventures will be three fold:

  1. A beer importing company. Why beer? Because beer is pretty agreeable. Its a low friction way of bridging gaps through something flavorful, fun, and full of conversation. And hey, its beer!
  2. This publication. We will periodically write in length on one Surface we want to give appropriate depth.
  3. A small newsletter. Monthly, we’ll share small snippets of ideas, people, or things that cross one of our surfaces so that you can see further into our mindset and hopefully cross a surface or two yourselves.

We’ll be calling these three efforts, and many others we’ll try out Surface Crossings, as each one will, if successful, bridge some barrier we find uncouth.

We hope you’ll enjoy reading our journey as much as we enjoy creating them.

Surface Crossed



Keith Stevens
Surface Crossings

Stories! Sometimes about Boba Milk Tea. Sometimes about traveling. Sometimes about technology.