Flat days in Saint Louis, Senegal

Surfing in Saint Louis, Senegal, is less common than I anticipated. It was a worthwhile trip, but we did not find any waves.

Hannes Grauweihler
Surfers Hangout


The Atlantic in Saint-Louis, Senegal [Image by Author]

After four weeks of surfing in Dakar, I wanted to explore the country further. Saint Louis seemed an obvious choice. The cultural capital of Senegal boasts a rich colonial architectural and cultural heritage. It lies on the ocean not too far from the mouth of the Senegal River, which gave its name to the country.

If there is an ocean, there will be something breaking that I can ride. I searched on different engines for surf shops, surf schools, surf whatever in Saint Louis, and I found nothing. But since this is Africa, not all businesses are necessarily digitally registered. I decided to go and see for myself. After all, the swell in Dakar was not good the past few days, and the forecasts did not look promising either.

Going to Saint Louis

The best compromise between speed and convenience is taking a seven-seater, sept places in French. These are typically Peugeot station wagons that seat seven people, hence the name. From Dakar, you take a cab to Pikine, where the gare routière, the central leaving point for buses and sept places, is located.



Hannes Grauweihler
Surfers Hangout

Surfing, Finance, Career, Startups, Venture-Capital and some other things I got to experience.