Surfing Radiation Point — My Favourite Break in Sao Tome

Hannes Grauweihler
Surfers Hangout
Published in
8 min readFeb 27, 2023


During my stay in Sao Tome, radiation point was quickly becoming my main surf spot. It is a right hand point break that sits mostly empty in the tropics.

Radiation point, Sao Tome [picture by author]

I was travelling and surfing in Dakar when a newly found friend told me about Sao Tome. I had hardly been aware that this place existed. Much less that it is kind of the Bali of Africa.

Here I was five months later. It was mid-June 2022, and I had made my way from Lisbon to Sao Tome. Our guest house was just south of the capital, incidentally called Sao Tome, like the island it was sitting on.

I honestly had no idea what to expect. I knew that the swell would come from the south. This much was obvious looking at a map (which, incidentally, you may want to do on another tab).

So first things first, I asked the guys at the hotel where the surf was best. Miro, the manager, who was worth his weight in gold that is how helpful he was, said he knew some surfers would stop at a nearby US radio station and then walk to the surf spot hidden behind it. I was intrigued, to say the least. A quick glance at a satellite image of the spot confirmed that something was breaking there.



Hannes Grauweihler
Surfers Hangout

Surfing, Finance, Career, Startups, Venture-Capital and some other things I got to experience.