Surfing Chance — Synopsis

Mihai Avram
Surfing Chance
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2022


An astrophysics professor, with the power to defy any law of physics that is tattooed on his skin, sets out on a cosmic journey to surf the universe’s expansion wave, only to end up facing the consequences of his own chaotic actions. Assisted by a gifted student, an enigmatic alien entity, avatars of former Earth scientists and a white cat, he must navigate the multiverse and restore balance by fixing his own mistakes.


Tiberius Chance is a dedicated astrophysics professor at the University of Tokyo. Living a solitary life in the bustling metropolis, he immerses himself in teaching and scientific research, aspiring to explore the cosmos’s furthest reaches. Inspired by the likes of Stephen Hawking and Einstein, Tiberius often ponders daring questions about the universe’s expansion and its implications.

His routine life of teaching, researching, and solitude takes a dramatic turn when he rescues a drowning girl at the university pool. During this near-death experience, Tiberius encounters an omnipotent alien entity. This being challenges Tiberius to fulfill his dream of surfing the universe’s expansion wave and grants him a unique power: the ability to break any law of physics, provided it’s tattooed on his body.

Emboldened, Tiberius decides to learn his way around his new talent and prepare for space exploration. He begins by experimenting with gravity, exploring weightlessness, levitation, and even walking on water. Feeling confident in his newfound abilities, he tests them while surfing in Portugal. By adjusting the Moon’s mass to influence tides, he inadvertently causes a global tsunami, leading to massive destruction, especially in Pakistan.

Realizing the magnitude of his actions, Tiberius seeks ways to rectify the situation. He’s aided by one of his students, Yuri, who discovers his powers and the chaos he inadvertently caused. But a twist occurs: Yuri’s mind splits into two realities. In one (Alpha), she supports and helps Tiberius, while in the other (Beta), she abandons him, unable to reconcile with his actions.

In Alpha reality, Tiberius becomes a hero, helping humanity and the planet by healing war victims, cleaning oceans, and researching habitable planets. In Beta reality, he’s seen as a threat, imprisoned by world governments.

Ultimately, the dual versions of Tiberius unite, encountering the alien entity once more. Joined by Yuri, the entity, avatars of Earth’s eminent scientists, and a mysterious white cat, Tiberius sets out on a quest to rectify his errors and safeguard the multiverse. Following a unique showdown with a tumultuous version of himself, the team triumphs and returns to their native universe. Tiberius and Yuri find themselves in a delicate equilibrium, a balance that could easily tip back into chaos, leaving their destiny and the tale’s ending shrouded in uncertainty.

Thank you for reading! Here is a link to chapter 1.



Mihai Avram
Surfing Chance

Founder @zenzylab. Lover of SciFi, Absurdism, Nihilism and the Moldovan emotional cuisine.