Hello Surge.

The easiest way to publish content to the web.

Rob Ellis
surge sh
3 min readMar 10, 2015


In the wake of the announcement that Nodejitsu is closing their doors, now seems like a good a time as any to evaluate if we still need to keep that site running and if we need compute at all.

At Chloi Inc. We have been huge advocates of static sites and finding new ways to extend what can be done with web tech. This was the motivation behind Harp Web Server and previous projects like PhoneGap.

Static sites are really a re-imagining for what was done with PHP sites 8 years ago. All the benefits of partials, ans dynamic content still works, and static sites are typically much faster than and easier to maintain.

While Harp addresses the creation process, we still felt there was much more that could be done with deployment, and seeing an insurgent of people flock to task runners like Grunt and Gulp we knew this had to be part of the overall experience.

Introducing Surge.

We built Surge to plug directly into your current work flow and is ideal for people using Grunt or Gulp today. Surge is a CLI backed by a CDN and static hosting environment free.

The best part about Surge is how easy it is, you will wonder how you ever managed a site without it.

By default, Surge will take your current directory and pipe it to the web, however you can easily change what.

Surge makes no assumptions about:

  • Bring your own Source Control Management. (Git, SVN, etc)
  • What Static Site Generator. (Jekyll, Middleman, Harp, Hexo)
  • How you your write your application. TextMate, Sublime, Atom or Eclipse.

…surge stays completely out of your way.

Over the last three years Chloi has been building tools aimed and making the web a better place. This includes the Harp Web Server for building static sites, and the Harp Platform for connecting Dropbox to a server in the cloud.

We feel that Surge is the next missing piece of the puzzle, providing a non-opinionated way to get assets online quickly. Surge continues to build on what we have learned from designers and developers in the field.

Have feedback? Let us know on twitter: @rob_ellis, @sintaxi, @kennethormandy.



Rob Ellis
surge sh

Bot enthusiast working on SuperScript, open source and at Slack. Making the Web better.