AWS vs Google Cloud? What’s the best for ML Deployments

Abhishek Patnaik
Surge Startup
Published in
5 min readMay 10, 2023

Wrong Decisions for the cloud might sometimes be a nightmare for your machine learning projects.

Machine learning has become an essential part of many businesses today, and with the increasing demand for data processing, cloud service providers have become increasingly important for organizations looking to leverage machine learning. Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud are two of the most popular cloud service providers that offer machine learning solutions. However, deciding which one to choose can be a daunting task. In this blog, we will explore the strengths and weaknesses of both AWS and Google Cloud to help you make an informed decision.

But why do we need to know about this now? Well, I have been working and leading startups for the past 6 years. The most basic problem I see with startups is that they are confused about which cloud provider to use for their machine learning deployments.

Let’s get started by comparing them.

Amazon Web Services (AWS):

AWS services

AWS is one of the largest cloud service providers and offers a wide range of machine learning tools, including Amazon SageMaker, a fully-managed service that enables you to build, train, and deploy machine learning models. AWS also offers a range of pre-built machine learning models, including image and text analysis, speech recognition, and natural language processing.


These are different services that AWS provides for Machine Learning.

  • Amazon Lex brings Natural Language Processing toolkit and speech recognition possibilities, focusing on integrating Chatbot applications.
  • Amazon Rekognition is a computer vision suite that renders the development and testing of face/object recognition models. It can easily perform complex CV tasks like object classification, scene surveillance, and facial analysis.
  • Amazon SageMaker is a full-fledged machine-learning platform that runs on EC2 instances and can develop traditional machine-learning implementations.


1. Broad Range of Tools: AWS has an extensive range of machine learning tools that cater to different requirements, including supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. This makes it easy for developers and data scientists to choose the right tool for their specific use case.

2. Scalability: AWS provides on-demand resources, which makes it easy to scale up or down as needed. This ensures that your machine learning models can accommodate the varying demands of your business.

3. Integration: AWS integrates easily with other AWS services, which allows you to build and deploy complex machine learning workflows without worrying about compatibility issues.


1. Complexity: AWS has a steep learning curve, which can be daunting for beginners who are not familiar with its services.

2. Cost: AWS pricing can be complex and difficult to understand. However, there are several cost-saving measures that you can implement to optimize your costs.

3. Data Transfer and Storage: Some users have reported difficulty with data transfer and storage in AWS.

Google Cloud:

Google Cloud Services

Google Cloud is a newer cloud service provider that offers a range of machine learning tools, including Google Cloud AI Platform, a fully-managed service that allows you to build, train, and deploy machine learning models.


  • Google Cloud AutoML is a machine learning toolkit explicitly built for beginners in the field. It offers functionalities like data model upload, training, and testing through its web interface. AutoML integrates well with other Google Cloud services like cloud storage. It can perform all the complex machine learning problems like Face Recognition, etc.
  • Tensorflow: Tensorflow is an already renowned name in the machine learning community. TensorFlow is an open-source library for numerical computation and analysis. It is used widely in deep learning models and packs many useful Machine Learning functions.
  • Vertex AI is an MLOps platform that promotes experimentation through pre-trained APIs for natural language processing, image analysis, and computer vision.
  • Google Machine Learning Engine: It is the machine learning offering at scale from Google. Google ML engine can perform complicated Machine Learning tasks using GPU and Tensor Processing Unit while running externally trained models. With great efficacy, Google Machine Learning Engine automates resource provisioning, monitoring, model deploying, and hyperparameter tuning.


1. Cutting-Edge Tools: Google Cloud is known for its cutting-edge machine learning tools and technologies. Its tools are designed to provide fast and efficient processing for large datasets.

2. User-Friendly Interface: Google Cloud’s user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for developers and data scientists to get started with machine learning.

3. Innovation: Google Cloud is known for its innovative machine learning tools and technologies, making it an ideal choice for organizations that need access to the latest advancements in machine learning.


1. Data Transfer and Storage: Some users have reported difficulty with data transfer and storage in Google Cloud.

2. Cost: Google Cloud pricing can be complex, and users may find it difficult to understand how to optimize their costs.

3. Smaller User Community: Google Cloud has a smaller user community compared to AWS, which may make it more difficult to find support and resources.


Both AWS and Google Cloud offer powerful machine-learning tools and technologies. The right choice depends on your specific needs and requirements. If you are already using AWS services and are familiar with their pricing structure and tools, AWS may be the better choice for you. However, if you are looking for cutting-edge machine learning tools and technologies or prefer Google Cloud’s user interface and pricing structure, then Google Cloud may be the better choice for you.

So Yes, Ultimately, both providers are capable of delivering powerful machine-learning solutions. It’s important to evaluate your needs and do your research to determine which provider is the right fit for your organization. Whatever your decision, make sure to explore the provider’s ecosystem, available support, and pricing models to ensure that you get the most out of your machine-learning solution.

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Abhishek Patnaik
Surge Startup

I build product with passion. Follow me for product related blogs.