How does TB cause Startups to fail?

Abhishek Patnaik
Surge Startup
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2023
Technical Debt

Around 90% of SaaS startups fail to make a dent in the market. The reasons are simple but we ignore them because of our skeptical behavior.

To be true, there are many reasons involved behind a startup’s failure. I have personally worked with more than 5 startups. During these years I have worked as a developer, Product Manager, Tech Lead, and Co-Founder. The reasons I state in this blog might be something different.

It’s cool to start building your own product, initially, everyone is pumped up with Adrenaline. The problem starts happening after you spent significant money and time but you don’t see results. After spending your significant resources, now you want to monetize your product just to sustain itself in the market. But shoot !! You are unable to do it because of the following:

Technical Debt

I know this reason might not sound convincing. But wait ! Let me prove it.

Technical debt refers to the accumulated cost of shortcuts taken during the development process of software products. This can include quick fixes, hacks, or temporary solutions that allow for faster development but come at the expense of code quality and maintainability. Over time, technical debt can slow down your product and lead to a variety of negative effects.

One of the main ways that technical debt can slow down your product is by making it harder to add new features or fix existing bugs. As technical debt accumulates, the codebase becomes increasingly complex and difficult to understand. This can make it harder for developers to work on the code, as they may struggle to understand how different pieces of the system fit together. As a result, it can take longer to add new features or fix bugs, which can lead to delays in releasing new versions of the product.

Developers with less experience are meant to commit these kinds of mistakes. Things get worse if unexpected deadlines are set because in this case, a developer starts using a hack to get the work done.

The primary solution to this would be,

  1. Prioritize technical debt reduction: The first step in addressing technical debt is to recognize its importance and prioritize it alongside new feature development. Teams should allocate time and resources to identifying and addressing technical debt in their codebase.
  2. Conduct code reviews: Regular code reviews can help identify areas of the codebase that are accumulating technical debt. Code reviews can help ensure that code is maintainable, scalable, and well-architected.
  3. Refactor code: Refactoring involves restructuring code to make it more maintainable and scalable. This can involve simplifying code, removing redundant code, or breaking up large functions into smaller, more modular pieces. Refactoring can help prevent technical debt from accumulating and make it easier to manage existing debt.
  4. Use automated testing: Automated testing can help ensure that changes to the codebase do not introduce new bugs or errors. Automated testing can also help identify areas of the codebase that may be prone to errors or difficult to maintain.
  5. Adopt best practices: Using best practices such as code reuse, modular design, and design patterns can help prevent technical debt from accumulating. Teams should also prioritize documentation and knowledge sharing to help ensure that code is maintainable over time.
  6. Address technical debt incrementally: Addressing technical debt can be a long-term process, so it’s important to tackle it incrementally. Teams should prioritize addressing high-risk areas of the codebase first and allocate time and resources to addressing technical debt on an ongoing basis.
  7. Get in touch with an Expert: An expert in technical debt has likely encountered similar issues in the past and can bring valuable experience and knowledge to the table. They can help identify areas of the codebase that are prone to accumulating technical debt and provide solutions to address these issues.
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An expert can also provide training and guidance to in-house developers to help prevent technical debt from accumulating in the future. This can include best practices for sustainable development, code review processes, and automated testing practices.

I got an awesome solution for you though!

We at Surge Startup are a group of experienced entrepreneurs who are willing to help you with your startup journey. We consult startups with their IT technology, product development, and cloud services.

You can simply DM me on my LinkedIn to get in touch if you want your startup’s problem fixed. We at Surge Startup are more than happy to collaborate with your success journey.

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Abhishek Patnaik
Surge Startup

I build product with passion. Follow me for product related blogs.