How can the Oculus Rift be used for HealthCare

Armando Iandolo
Surgery Academy
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2014


Improve healthcare with Virtual Reality

Ok, today we start the week continuing to talk about how wearable devices for AR and VR.

Let’s take a look to Oculus VR

The purpose of the Oculus Rift is to provide immersive virtual reality although, for now, it and similar devices can only do so in an audio-visual manner.

To date, Oculus Rift does not provide body-imagery (you can’t see your own legs, hands, or any other parts), but we can safely assume that Facebook, the new owner, will incorporate avatar-generation to enable tele-presence in virtual gatherings. In the future, there will likely be integration with haptic suits that will make use of motion control, positional tracking, and vibratory sense feedback.

This YouTube video is an entertaining demonstration of what is presently possible with Oculus Rift. Notice the excellent simulation of pitch, roll, and yaw.

So how could Oculus Rift, at its current level of development, be used in healthcare? Let’s break down what’s happening right now.

1. Training
Could the 3-D, immersive properties of Oculus Rift enhance or substitute for schooling in the medical fields, continuing education and in-service workshops?

Truth be told, we don’t need to be immersed in VR for most learning situations. There are innovative applications, however, such as this one being employed by the UK for simulating the battlefield care of casualties: Plextek and Dstl use Oculus Rift to create immersive medical training solution for military

2. Medical Encounters and Examinations
A good clinician has to frequently use all of his/her senses to evaluate a patient, and not just the audiovisual stimuli that Oculus Rift can provide. Some conditions can be assessed remotely via Tele-Medicine, but we need the tactile sense to determine, say, the warmth, tenderness, size, shape, movability and consistency of a subcutaneous tumor. All such findings may yield useful information in formulating differential diagnoses and a plan of management.

3. Therapy
According to Other Amazing Uses For The Oculus Rift, it can allow amputees with Phantom Limb Syndrome to feel “as though their missing limb is still present and even experience itching sensations and the like. By seeing a virtual recreation of that limb, studies have shown that these patients are better able to come to terms with their loss and adapt their brains accordingly.”

Researchers in Vienna are studying the utility of Oculus Rift to better train amputees in the frustrating process of learning how to use prosthetics.

With respect to the rehabilitation of stroke patients, a 2011 study suggested that they “were more likely to improve their arm strength if they played VR games.”

4. Surgery
There are games that simulate surgery: Surgeon Simulator 2013 adds support for Oculus Rift, Razer Hydra.

In professional surgery, however, I expect that the use of Oculus Rift will be virtually non-existent (pun intended) because numerous hospitals already have specialized and more sophisticated Surgery simulators in use, some with the capability of receiving 3-D input from CT and MRI scans. The first virtual surgery (where actual surgery followed the virtual practice) was performed in Nova Scotia on August 17, 2009 when Dr. David Clarke removed a brain tumor 24 hours after removing a simulated tumor. Remote surgery by satellite uplink is also currently possible.

The da Vinci Surgical System (shown below) is now a very common robotic device in U.S. hospitals, providing surgeons with superior visualization, enhanced dexterity, greater precision, and ergonomic comfort. It can be used for surgical simulation but, interestingly, the use of simulators has its limitations when used to train novices, in that their effectiveness diminishes as the procedure is repeated. In other words, students reach a learning plateau.

5. Mental Health
Exposure Therapy is being investigated in the treatment of phobias and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. For example, a patient can be made to experience “driving a Humvee down a desert road or mountain pass or even re-creating an IED explosion or insurgent attack. By pacing the exposure in a much more controlled fashion and in a way that engages the user, clinicians can control the progression of therapy. Studies have shown that VRT is effective in significantly reducing PTSD symptoms and studies are currently underway to compare its effectiveness with more traditional approaches.”

6. Autism
VR appears to help autistic children to “learn social cues, fine-tune motor skills, or experiment with real-world lessons like waiting until it’s safe to cross the street.

One reason behind the treatment’s efficacy could be that children with autism interact well with technology, specifically virtual reality” (VR is infinitely patient according to Justine Cassell, director of Northwestern University’s Center for Technology and Social Behavior).

7. Palliative Care
Oculus Rift may provide the permanently disabled and the terminally ill with the opportunity to once again experience a degree of normality.

In summary, the current healthcare applications of Oculus Rift are still limited, but are increasing, and further technological advancement may allow even more novel uses.

However, as noted by Dr. Carl Rizzo, clinical psychologist at the University of Southern California’s Institute for Creative Technologies, there’s “nothing magic about virtual reality, it doesn’t fix anybody. It’s simply a tool that a well trained clinician uses to extend their skills and have more impact on patients when it’s called for.”

Answer by Emmanuel Fabella, Physician, Author, Futurist, Investor, on Quora

This question originally appeared on Quora: How can the Oculus Rift be used for healthcare?

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