How Google Glass will innovate HealthCare. Part I.

Armando Iandolo
Surgery Academy
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2014


Google Glass for an healthier world.

Google Glasses applications are so many. From communication to design, from exploring to development of new features.

However, from a year ago, Google Glass are disrupting healthcare for the better as various innovators come up with creative ways to use the technology and get results.

In this post we try to understand how many innovative ways Google Glass can improve healthcare and people’s lives.

How Google Glass is disrupting health?

1. Google Glass in the operating room

Ok, this may seem a little self-centered, but Glass can help while performing operations as the head-mounted headset can provide vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate and so on) without surgeons taking their eye of the patient.

Glass is being used in this way have surfaced in Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center (BIDMC). One of America’s largest hospitals, the BIDMC has four ER using Glass at work and more than ten clinicians participating in testing it out.

Here’s the explainer video:

Likewise Dr. Pierre Theodore, a cardiothoracic surgeon at the University of California Medical Center uses Glass to re-load CT and X-ray images needed for a procedure and calls them up to the screen display to compare a medical scan with the actual surgical site.

The first surgeon who joined an operating room wearing Google Glass was Dr. Rafael Grossmann. His first surgery intervention recorded with Google Glass was a success.

2. Google Glass for medical imaging access

Google Glass applied to EHR are really revolutionary.
For example, OneDX is a software platform who has developed a Google Glass app that allows physicians to access medical reports and patient’s medical history.
Its optimize PACS interface allowing physicians to quickly download medical imaging studies, view reports, and schedule exams for patients as part of its mobile app suite, integrating the glasses into the on-the-go software ecosystem.

Augmedix is a start-up company who are rehumanizing healthcare using Google Glass. Infact, Augmedix use the potential of wearable technology to empower physicians to spend less time with their electronic health records and more time with their patients.

3. Improve own physical fitness and performances

Warables are great tools for improve own health and own sport experience.
Jawbone, FitBit, Nike+ FuelBand and more are designed only for monitor the physical performance.
Instead, Race Yourself is an augmented reality app for Google Glass that allows users to race against a virtual projection of yourself (or friends, celebs and zombies) and beat personal fitness records. The app also allows you to unlock new game modes such as running away from giant rolling boulders.

Developed in the UK and now headquartered in San Francisco, the Race Yourself app is still in development but seems like a promising new way to get fit while incoporating a gamification element often need to take you to the next level.

4. Google Glass Used in Medical Education

Any resemblance to real events and/or to real start-up companies, persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

We are joking.

Surgery Academy is a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) applied to the teaching of surgical procedures. We address a market full of opportunities offered by a new kind of online courses, which allows unlimited participation and open access via the web, and the augmented reality technology.

Surgery Academy’s mission is to create the best education experience for the
learning of surgery. Surgery Academy’s solution is to open operating rooms to the world, allowing medical students to access any operating room just using their smartphone, tablet or PC.
Surgery Academy combines the E-Learning and the Augmented Reality offered by Google Glasses,
to provide students with the chance to watch a surgical intervention with extra content (vital
signs, diagnostic imaging and so on), in order to improve their education experience.

And this is just the beginning.

