Introduction and Summary

Hi! I’m Nick Manna and I am an accounting student at the University at Buffalo. In this publication, I chose to write a piece on the UN’s sustainability goal of sustainable cities and communities. I will focus on the development of electric and eco-friendly vehicles and how the continued research put in to this innovation would impact our world. Understanding the industry and regulations put in place to promote the move away from gas powered vehicles will allow us to realize their importance and purpose in fighting climate change. I am very interested to see the developments that car manufacturers have made and will make in order to reach this goal. I would also like to understand government involvement in pushing these companies towards a more sustainable future. I believe that government involvement in such matters is not entirely necessary to promote their goal, but that the strong presence of competitor such as Tesla who only has electric vehicles is enough to push other vehicle manufacturers to follow in their path. The exploration of the electric vehicle industry is beneficial to everyone. With a planet that has been plagued with decades of pollution from gas powered vehicles, a move towards sustainable transportation would be beneficial to the whole world and for generations to come. In addition, the cost benefits of owning an electric vehicle would be a great financial decision for those who choose to buy one as you no longer have to buy gas. Also, the future development of eco-friendly public transportation would be a huge step toward cleaner cities and communities. I am already somewhat familiar with the topic. I have followed the innovations and development of Elon Musk and his company Tesla for many years now and I am excited to see how others plan to follow in his footsteps. I am aware that many manufacturers have a few hybrid or all electric vehicles of their own and I look forward to further exploring new vehicles coming out and smaller all electric car companies. Additionally, I know the US government has implemented tax credits for owning plug in electric vehicles but I am curious to see what else they have done to promote the UN’s goal. It would be interesting to see how governments globally are promoting the sustainable vehicle industry and by what means they do it. Also, I wonder how countries have implemented or plan to develop sustainable public transportation. Lastly, I plan to explore smaller, all electric car manufacturers who’s main focus is towards a sustainable future for all.

