Past Lives — A movie about relationships, unknowns and why people come into your lives

Suriya D Murthy
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2023

Past Lives is an A24 produced romantic drama movie, I was blown away at how beautiful this was. Have you ever wondered why some people come into your life? How you have a connection with strangers around the world. How some of them stay in your life, while some of them move away. It makes you wonder doesn’t it.

This movie, Past Lives — explores this idea in a very unique way. The entire film just explores how two kids meet and have the time of their lives with each other. But due to circumstances, one of them had to move to another country and their lives separated them for a really long time. But for what ever the reason, the forces of nature, the bond between them kept pulling them back together. So, they try to re-connect after a decade, they make strides in catching up with each other. But again, life had other plans. Nobody knows why they were attracting each other again, and nobody know why the forces didn’t let them meet each other. It fizzles out, life moves on. People live their lives — work through their careers, chase their ambitions, meet more new people coming into their life. This boat sails through.

The portraits really pulls you in!

Yet again, after almost a decade later. The soul searches for this other human. The one you had a connection years back, someone who keeps crossing your mind every now and then. Someone you remember while filling your water. Someone you think while walking through the door. Someone faint in the distance in the background of your mind. The soul searches for a closure this time around, wants to address that lingering feelings.

The guy goes in search of the girl, moving countries just to catch up on this persistent feeling. He flies through, just to catch an evening with her. No agenda, no plans. Just to see her in flesh and bones, just to acknowledge the feelings. They have a good time talking to each other, catching up on life, showing around the city. Walking, talking, sharing, but life anchors this fleet of emotions. That is how this life travels, just takes them through the emotions that goes through their heads.

In the end, after all is said and done(skipping details, for you to check out the movie). There is a deep sense of relief mixed with a deep sense of sorrow accompanying the feeling. You know the feeling — listening to mellow tunes on a rainy evening. Just like that, but it does something to the spirit, it heals more than happiness. That is exactly what both of them feel. And, they go ahead with their lives. Bidding goodbye, acknowledging the emotion and releasing it free.

Do any of you know the meaning of In-Yeon in Korean? There is this theory that any one who crosses your life comes into your life because you two had glimpses of your life cross each other in a past life. It is funny to think about life that way, but it is really a unique perspective. Too poetic in way. Even the stranger you meet on the subway, had your lives briefly overlap. And the larger relationships, which you share with people in your life, you had a really strong In-Yeon in your past life.

No matter if you believe this cute philosophy or we were all just a result of explosion levitating through space. Past Lives, is a beautiful movie that would bring a fresh perspective to your lives and free you of some emotions. Give it a shot if you want a weeknight movie to chill with a glass of wine.

Much love!



Suriya D Murthy

I am a millennial, sharing my thoughts on life, education and career. I want to share my experiences and teach you at the same time I learn myself.