There is immense pain in this world, what is the antidote?

Suriya D Murthy
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2022

Today I write with a heavy heart. There is this deep unbeknownst pain hiding beneath. I am trying to contemplate. There are hard times in all our lives -

  1. I read a note from a friend — who lost both his parents during covid and was amidst his master’s studies in a foreign land. The shear challenge of living in a new land far away from friends and family is hard but losing family back home is ever so painful. I don’t know what would give this person the strength!
  2. This is a tough time financially for everyone in the US — the interest rates are high, inflation is high and the opportunities to amass wealth seems to be challenging. In a time when people would be married, raise a family and buy a home. There are a millennials still contemplating on if we should lease or buy that first car.
  3. There is a close friend of mine who is close to completing his graduate studies. But it seems like his resume isn’t getting picked by recruiters and companies. A really bright chap, a guy who taught dozens during school and still can comprehend complex topics at ease. But because of the layoffs, because of the hiring freeze in recruiting is thinking about others ways. To either continue as a student, or go back to his home country or to find other ways to work as a volunteer.
  4. Another close friend who was working at a startup. Lost his job during this time. He was given a severance for couple of months and pushed to search for another job. He is using all his connections to find a job to keep the bill paying and the ball rolling.
  5. Then there is my mother. Who is amidst a strained marriage. Finding means to express herself and find finances to achieve basic personal freedom. To have her children leading lives far far away from home.

There are tough times in all our lives. I hope the world finds strength to tread through these pains in life. I don’t know what is the purpose of this life we lead — leaving family behind, to pursue dreams. Losing people, dreams and north star while stepping foot into the unknown. All in search of a dream, in search of a better future. But the high price we pay — the present. I don’t know what is the answer. But i am furious, the world should be more abundant, more opportunities, more connected and yet here we are. I guess being kind and acknowledging people’s struggles is a good start. May we find peace and light!

If only you remember to turn on the light
There is light behind the bold dark clouds!



Suriya D Murthy

I am a millennial, sharing my thoughts on life, education and career. I want to share my experiences and teach you at the same time I learn myself.