Why did I QUIT ? (From my Job)

Suriya D Murthy
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2018

Today, I want to share with you guys the reason I quit my job. We all have a reason or the final push that helps us quit from a job that isn’t a right fit for us. My story was that I blindly took what I got and it didn’t help me much. Let me explain.


I pursued my undergrad in Engineering in the field of Computer Science, while I learnt a lot of skills and knowledge in the field. The education system fundamentally had a couple of flaws —
1. The goal during my undergrad was to get high marks and it wasn’t focused on realizing what you were passionate about.
2. The above was needed to get a high paying job and not a job that one might be interested in.
I religiously followed what was expected of me, I did to the best of my abilities in my academics, maintained good grades. That got me into one of top companies in terms of the salary they offered. So, did I get what I expected of my college ?


The fundamental thing that one doesn’t tell you to do during your college life is to experiment all the fields and figure out your interests. So was the case with me. But, how did I realize that ? I entered the job and started working, it takes sometime to figure out what is going on. The first year, went in transitioning into the corporate world. Understanding the business they call, I call it getting to do work efficiently. The learning curve, stopped the brain from thinking if what I was doing is what I was really passionate about. Then comes the second year, now you know most of the tools and you figure out easy ways to get things done. This is when I asked myself — “What am I doing ?”, this is also the time when I saw many of my friends and colleagues saw it like — “Wow, this is easy. Let’s stick to it, it pays well !”. Now, this is where I stand, I couldn’t justify myself for the salary that I was getting, I couldn’t sacrifice my interests and passion for something that I am not meant to do. So, I reached an epiphany realizing that I cannot do this anymore and I quit my job. So you might ask, so are you working on something that you love ? No! Like I mentioned before, something that I had to figure out during my college is still pending. The self-realization is what is going on now.

Photo by Ben Neale


The fundamental solution to this entire mess is a very simple change in the way we perceive our education. It only makes sense when we look back at it. If only someone who had crossed that phase had helped me or guided me. So to everyone who are still pursuing their education, I want to share with you the secret that never reached me. Education, is a play ground. Try out everything, get bruised on things that you don’t like or are not good at. Find excitement in things that amuses you and follow it through. I strongly believe, there are so many courses and fields available since everyone is unique. It is up to you to figure it out and follow it. For all the others who have missed that opportunity, it is never too late. Join me, while I figure out ways to realize one’s passion.


While, I am not saying that each one of us might be destined for something really specific. I am just telling that our interests are a compass, that tells us the direction we must go that will be one step closer to the goals. It is not that everything else is wrong, taking the wrong path sometimes might push us back a little in the trail, but gives us the motivation to strive faster towards the goal that we might be heading towards. So, take some time and think if you are heading the right direction.

I just want to leave you guys with an interesting article to keep your heads thinking —



Suriya D Murthy

I am a millennial, sharing my thoughts on life, education and career. I want to share my experiences and teach you at the same time I learn myself.