Why you should work before doing your master’s!

Suriya D Murthy
Published in
3 min readJul 10, 2018

In today’s article we are going to cover on why I feel you should have some work experience before you decide to do your master’s or plan your higher education.


I am going to assume a few things of the you before we go forward.

  1. You have or are going to complete your Bachelor’s degree in the near future.
  2. You are not sure of what is your true calling or aka Passion.
  3. You are thinking about doing a master’s to figure out your passion(maybe).
  4. You are not planning to work after your undergrad but would directly want to continue your studies with master’s.
  5. You are not into teaching or research, that is you are not planning to do a PhD as of yet.


Now that you fall in one of the above categories. Let’s set some context from my life, that might reflect with yours. We are victims of a fundamental flaw in our education system. We never asked the why ? At least, that was the case with me. I have followed the education system right until I completed my undergrad, without ever asking a why. I had multiple opportunities, once during my 10th Standard and another during 12th Standard and also many times during my undergrad. But I missed all those opportunities to find what I love, what I was passionate about. It was when I entered the work environment that the daunting question of - why ?, struck my head real hard. I just don’t want you all to have the same question after doing a master’s degree.


There are two reasons for a master’s degree that I have widely seen among my friends. One, those who want to study further to improve their chances of getting a good high paying job and two, those who want to learn a little deeper in their field of interest to find or make a career in his or her field of interest. This article is not going to be of much help for the former. For the latter, it is obvious why some one would take up a master’s degree but I want to address another set of second kind of people. Those who want to make use of their master’s degree to realize their passion. So here is where I want to bring the importance of how working for a year or two helps, it helps in guiding you to figure out what you like. Or for that instance in my case, it helped me figure out what I don’t like.

Opportunities — pic by qimono at pixabay


I want to let people know that there are only so many life changing opportunities that one gets. I was one of those who missed a lot and I feel master’ degree is my chance to learn, master and make a career in my field of interest. I hope even others, who weren’t sure of what to do with their boring job or in search of a right opportunity to make a difference, can see the master’s platform as a right chance to prove that. So think twice before deciding to pursue a master’s right after undergrad. Because, if you are not sure why you are doing your master’s, you would most likely regret it once you complete it and work. Which I just had after doing my undergrad and working. So I hope you can learn from my mistakes and figure out what you want to do at the many opportunities life throws at us. Working a couple of years might just be the right thing to do before grabbing the master’s platform.



Suriya D Murthy

I am a millennial, sharing my thoughts on life, education and career. I want to share my experiences and teach you at the same time I learn myself.