Victory Against White Supremacy in Berkeley—In Photos

SURJ Bay Area
SURJ Bay Area Blog
Published in
4 min readAug 30, 2017

Hundreds of people gathered in Berkeley’s Ohlone Park on Sunday morning for our Resist Racist Violence and Hate rally in Berkeley. The march was co-organized by a coalition of Black and immigrant interfaith, anti-racist, anti-fascist, LBGTQ and civil rights groups (full details listed below). We marched along Martin Luther King Jr. Way and joined forces with another rally in Martin Luther King Civic Center Park. These photos capture the spirit of the march, in contrast to its portrayal in the mainstream media.

All photographs by Sam Breach.

Protestors stand in the sunshine outside Ohlone Park before the march.
People march down MLK Jr. Way. In the foreground, a protestor in a motorized chair carries a sign saying “Stop Pretending Racism Is Patriotism.”
Protest signs, left to right: “Never Again” [with a star of David]; “Black Lives Matter, Science Is Real, No Human Is Illegal, Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, Love Is Love;” “Bay Area Stands Against Hate And White Supremacy For Solidarity, Justice, And Dignity.”
Top left: Protestors carry a banner that reads “Jews Against White Supremacy.” Center: Dozens of marchers gather outside Berkeley City Hall. The City Hall displays a banner saying “Berkeley Stands Against Hate.” SURJ members carry big red and white banners that say “No Nazis In Berkeley” and “Stand Against Hate.” Right: A protestor carries a sign saying “Berkeley Stands Against Hate.”
Left: Protestors sit outside Berkeley City Hall with a banner saying “No Hitting, Love Mom.” Center: A protestor on City Hall steps holds a sign saying “Love Thy Neighbor, No Exceptions.” Right: Protestors carry rainbow-colored signs saying “We Stand For Diversity And Equality” and “Diversity Makes Us Stronger.”
Left: The march moves down MLK Jr. Way. A protestor carries a rainbow-colored sign saying “We hold these truths to be self-evident: Women’s rights are human rights. Black Lives Matter. Love is love. Faith is faith. No human being is illegal. Science is real.” Right: A protest sign reads “Optimism does not cure racism. White people — do the work!”
Left and center: The march towards MLK park. Right: A protestor carries a cardboard sign saying “Country of immigrants.”
Left: A protestor holds a sign saying, “Hello: I’m Your Queer Jewish Replacement” (a response to the white supremacist chant in Charlottesville, “Jews will not replace us”). Center: Marchers proceed from Ohlone Park. Two protestors in motorized chairs carry signs saying “Fatties Against Fascism.” Right: A sign reads “White Supremacy Has No Place Here Or Anywhere.”
Left: A protestor carries a sign saying “Our Heritage Is Inclusion.” Right: A protestor carries a sign saying “Another Jew Against White Supremacy, Antisemitism, And Zionism.”
Left: Dozens of marchers gather in the sunshine at Ohlone park. Center: Six women carry a banner saying “Make America Compassionate.” Right: A protestor holds up a sign saying “Will Trade Fascists For Refugees.”
Left: A protestor holds a sign saying “Proud to be a Marxist Jew” (a reference to the “Anti-Marxist” title of the canceled white supremacist rally in Berkeley); Center: Four protestors carry a sign saying “Alt-Right = Neo-Nazis.”
Left: A protestor carries a sign saying “Heather Heyer, Rest In Power”; Right: A beautifully painted sign depicts a white and a black person holding hands and text that read, “United Against Hate.”
Left: Dozens of people stand in the sunshine, read to march from Ohlone Park; Right: A marcher carries a huge white bird made from canvas.
Left: A sign reads “Fascist Don’t Just Wanna Talk.” Right: Protestors carry large red and white banners that say “No Nazis In Berkeley” and “Stand Against Hate.”

The rally was coordinated by these organizations:
- Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Bay Area
- Anti Police-Terror Project (APTP)
- Catalyst Project
- Community Ready Corps (CRC)
- International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)
- National Lawyers Guild (NLG)

With Support from:
- Bay Resistance
- Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC)
- Interfaith Coalition for Black Lives
- Left Roots
- Pastor Michael McBride of The Way Church, Berkeley CA
- Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, Director of Public Theology Initiatives at Faith Matters Network



SURJ Bay Area
SURJ Bay Area Blog

Showing Up for Racial Justice - Bay Area ~Moving white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability.