New Issue of Surveillance & Society

Torin Monahan
surveillance and society
2 min readDec 12, 2020
Cover image: Terril Calder, SNIP, 2016. (Reprinted with permission.) This film is discussed by Joshua Miner in his article in this issue.

In case you missed it, the latest (December) issue of Surveillance & Society is filled with an exciting collection of articles on topics as diverse as professional drone use, Indigenous surveillance cinema, informant memoirs, covert police surveillance, Tor users, police use of visual data, and workplace surveillance. Check it out.



Aerial Politics of Visibility: Actors, Spaces, and Drivers of Professional Drone Usage in Switzerland (Dennis Pauschinger, Francisco R. Klauser) [PDF]

Indigenous Surveillance Cinema: Indian Education and the Truant On-Screen (Joshua Miner) [PDF]

The I’s of the Informant: Memoirs of Surveillance Society (Piotr M. Szpunar) [PDF]

Hiding in Plain Sight: Directed Surveillance as a Bodily Practice (Johanne Yttri Dahl, Dag Svanaes) [PDF]

Tor and the City: MSA-Level Correlates of Interest in Anonymous Web Browsing (Andrew M. Lindner, Gina Pryciak, Jamie Elsner) [PDF]

How to Govern Visibility?: Legitimizations and Contestations of Visual Data Practices after the 2017 G20 Summit in Hamburg (Rebecca Venema) [PDF]

The Implications of Digital Employee Monitoring and People Analytics for Power Relations in the Workplace (Ivan Manokha) [PDF]

Book Reviews

Review of Bader, Baker, Day, and Gordon’s Fear Itself: The Causes and Consequences of Fear in America (Cierra Robson) [PDF]

Review of Kapadia’s Insurgent Aesthetics: Security and the Queer Life of the Forever War (Robert Heynen) [PDF]Review of Fan’s Camera Power: Proof, Policing, Privacy, and Audiovisual Big Data (Benjamin Faveri) [PDF]

Review of Lippert, Walby, Warren, and Palmer’s National Security, Surveillance and Terror: Canada and Australia in Comparative Perspective (Colleen Bell, Leora Diakuw, Thelma NaahSabie) [PDF]

Review of Molitorisz’s Net Privacy: How We Can Be Free in an Age of Surveillance (Deborah Komarnisky) [PDF]

