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Surveillance & Society
surveillance and society
2 min readNov 3, 2017

Since 2002, Surveillance & Society, the premiere journal of surveillance studies, has been publishing peer-reviewed academic work of the highest quality. Today, we’re announcing something new: Blink.

Blink is our version of a blog. While Surveillance & Society remains committed to supporting scholarship and creative works on surveillance studies, we also want to connect our articles to broader conversations about surveillance. Blink allows us to participate in these discussions by offering timelier dispatches than those allowed by the labor-intensive (but necessary) process of peer-review.

To that end, Blink will publish short dispatches from authors about their contributions to the journal, along with thematic round-ups, interviews, commentary, and other minutiae that don’t quite fit within the confines of Surveillance & Society itself. It’s our hope that Blink will offer new perspectives on surveillance issues for scholars and citizens alike.

More information about Surveillance & Society may be found here.


Surveillance & Society is the premier journal of surveillance studies, and publishes rigorously peer-reviewed academic work of the highest quality in a free-to-access electronic journal.

Surveillance & Society exists to:

  • publish innovative and transdisciplinary work on surveillance;
  • encourage understanding of approaches to surveillance in different academic disciplines;
  • promote understanding of surveillance in wider society;
  • encourage policy and political debate about surveillance.

Surveillance & Society supports open access to scholarly work and encourages all authors to deposit the final published copy of their work in their university and/or other open access repository. We only ask that you make sure to include a link to the original version on the Surveillance & Society website.

