Affects of industrial Revelation

Survey of Mass Media
3 min readOct 6, 2014

For this past weeks reading, the part that stood out to me the most was the section on industrial revolution effects. This part truly amazed me because it is hard for me to imagine a life without a computer, or even a printer. One section that stood out to me was when the book said, “ Four centuries earlier with Gutenberg-style presses, printers could turn out 500 copies at most on a good day. Today, presses can print 160,000 copies per hour.” Those couple sentences mind-boggled me because its hard to grasp the concept of how far technology has really come. Our society has gone from writing hand written letter and having them delivered with pony express, or communicating with Morse code. Now a days we have FaceTime, which makes it seem like we are actually with the person we are trying to communicate with. Now let me take it to the next level. Our society thrives off the internet; it is easy for us to look something up real quick on our smart phone. Now could you imagine not being able to do that. Not being able to take your iPhone out of you back pocket and look up a simple question. It is something we take for grant in the society we live in. Imagine living before the industrial revolution and not being able to look up your simple question, or even having a smart phone for that matter. In our world today, a crazy amount of things wouldn’t be able to be done without the internet. Another thing that mind boggles me is we can find out news across the world in a matter of seconds. But four centuries ago, people didn’t even know what was going on in the next city. We are able to know about a hurricane that hits Florida, or about a crime that happen in New York, but four centuries ago none of that was possible.

The industrial revolution effects were mainly pulp paper, high speed presses, paper reels, and typesetting. All those following things deal with printing media. In our society today, most dads looks forward to reading the sports page every morning about the games that happen the day before. This is able to happen because we are able to print copies of every newspaper at such a fast paste. For instance, some major league baseball games do not end till about 10 p.m. but our dad’s are able to read about them at 6 am the next morning when having their morning coffee. If you really think about it, these newspaper companies are printing millions of copies. None of that would be possible without the industrial revolution. As for us girl, we love reading our magazine such as “People,” “US,” or even “Seventeen.” We are able to find out the latest gossip about our A-list celebrities, and what fashion is in this fall. Each magazine company prints out millions of copies of these magazine for our enjoyment. They get placed on news stands, on the shelves at grocery stores, or even delivered to your front door. Us ladies love reading these magazine and I myself cannot think of time before magazines. These bulk copies of pages that we call magazines would not be possible without the industrial revolution. It is a crazy concept to think about how our lives would be without print media or even internet. I for one do not know how our society would get by without it.

