Brief History of the Television

Henry Campos
Survey of Mass Media
3 min readOct 29, 2014


The television nowadays has made such an important part of homes in the modern world, when looking back is hard to imagine what a life would be like without television. The “tube” television can also be referred to as providing entertainment to a vast variety of people and all ages. The television is not just for entertainment value, but it also serves a purpose to valuable resources for advertising and different kinds of programming. The way we see the television today was obviously not the way it was back then.

As we take a brief look at the history of the television and how it came into being. There were several different experiments by various people who played major roles in the field of electricity and radio, in which led to the development basic technologies and ideas that compiled the basic foundation for the invention of television. Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, a student in Germany in the late 1800’s had developed the first ever mechanical module of television. He was successful in sending images through wires with the help of a rotating metal disk. The name of this technology was call the electric telescope that had 18 lines of resolution.

There were two separate inventors around 1907, A.A. Campbell-Swington from England and Russian scientis Boris Rosing. Those two used a basic cathode ray tube in addition to the mechanical scanner system to create a new television system. As both began working together and doing more experiments, Nipkow and Rosing made two types of television systems in which are called the mechanical television and the electronic television.

The Mechanical Television History began in 1923, who was known as an American inventor. The American inventor was Charles Jenkins, he used the disk idea of Nipkow to invent the first ever practical mechanical television system. It wasn’t until 1931 that his Radiovisor Model 100 was being sold in a complete kit as a mechanical television. In 1926, right after Jenkins was a British inventor known as a John Logie Baird. Baird was the first person to succeed in transmitting moving pictures through the mechanical disk system by Nipkow. He was also known as the first person to do the TV studio.

The mechanical television system went through many innovation from 1926–1931. However, the men in those departments discovered the mechanical television were very innovative by 1934. It wasn’t until all the television systems had been converted into the electronic system, in which we being used today.

The Electronic Television History began in the experiments of Swinton in 1907, with the ray tube because the electric television held great potential but was not converted into reality. It wasn’t until 1927, Philo Taylor Farnsworth was able to invent a model that was working successfully of the electric television that was based on Swinton’s ideas. He began experimenting when he was a teenager at the age of 14 years old. As he grew older, at the age of 21, Philo then created what’s known as the first electric television system. In which did away with the rotating disk and other mechanical aspects of the mechanical television. This is what led to the birth of the television system basis of all modern TVs. In the beginning, all the early televisions were black and white. It wasn’t until much later that the color television was evolved or invented. With the early inventions in the beginning of the 1900’s, our history has seen some dramatic changes since the first television.

