E-text/E-reader vs. Actual book

Henry Campos
Survey of Mass Media
3 min readOct 16, 2014

Are the E-text or E-readers taking over the book industry? That is a question we can always ask ourselves. In some circumstances yes and in others maybe not. As we had a discussion in class about the E-text book and E-reader will there ever be a world without actual books or a big decline of the actual book. I believe there was a slight decline and believe that there will always be a demand for the actual book. There are so many reasons to have the actual book in our hands. There is just something about having an actual book. I don’t know if it’s having the feeling of flipping the pages, annotating the book, putting sticky notes in it. Being able to highlight with a highlighter. There has also been strong studies of these E-text and E-reader online devises messing up the eye sight. Or having your eyes fixed on a electronic screen for a long period of time. There is definitely questions raised for the book companies and technology companies. However, if we just took the study there in class, I noticed everybody had the actual book accept for one person and not the E-text or E-reader. Mostly everybody would chose the actual book, probably for the same reasons I stated above. I didn’t ask them but from the conversations that took place, that what I got. There was also a concern that got brought up in class, which the E-text companies is billing you after the fact they charged you for the E-text. For some reason the companies that bought and published the E-text got sewed for some sort of reasons and instead of taking the hit themselves for undercharging you, they in return follow through with the law suit. However, nowadays there are little kids at the age of 1,2,3+ using Ipads and hand held electronics. Who knows, maybe they might not know any different from using an actual book. Its kind of a scary thought because with the studies showing how the monitor screen can harm your eyes. Or even mess with you head. Another factor to think about is publishing a book. I didn’t know how much was pulled out of the cut from the author and publishers. Or the fact that only 4% gets a best seller and makes it big. And just about 60% Of books trying to make it lose money. Those are huge numbers to think about when writing. There are not that many books that get that break through. Not all writers are going to be that “Harry Potter” series or the “Twilight” series. Not that I read or agree with those writings, those books made it big. I’m curious as to think what were the numbers that were sold in book form and sold on the E-text or E-reader. This might be odd to add but what about having a cool book mark. Those always add a touch to having an actual book. In the end, I strongly agree with having the actual book over the E-text and E-reader.

