How do Computers, Cell Phones and Tablets Affect People 10 and Under?

Carlton McAllister
Survey of Mass Media
3 min readSep 30, 2014

In this world that we live in it’s not unorthodox for a kid as little as ten years old to have a cell phone that is more expensive than mine. Which doesn't make sense because I’m in my twenties! You would think that kids shouldn't be able to have things that expensive for many reasons. They’re not responsible enough yet, they don’t know the dangers that they can put themselves in, they may not be capable of keeping track of it. There are many reasons that they may not be ready to handle that kind of technology but aside from that are also mental aspects.

In our survey of mass media class, something that I found interesting was the fact that writing would be replaced in a few years by the Ipad or the computer and you wouldn't need to write with a pencil and paper. Then the argument was brought up that this could also affect a kids health and how kids will be able to see by the time they get to their twenties because the light in the screens we have now are damaging to the eyes. If this is true, is your kids being able to see when they’re in their twenty's worth the kids having the ability to entertain themselves while you’re busy and want them to go away? Should kids be allowed to go out with there cellphones and Ipads just so they can listen to music on there walks to school and in the car?

On the other hand there are arguments for technology for children at such a young age. It is faster to type out words for an essay or story than it is to write it out with a pencil and paper allowing people to be able to send letters faster and with clearer wording and being able to spell check. Parents being able to contact their children while they’re out is a great luxury for parents to keep track of their children. Also schools are using tablets to be able to run power points and teach kids through programs on computers in order for kids to go at their own speed and develop there skills that way because it is a natural flow.

Could there be an in between? I know for a fact that for me I get distracted with my daily life when I get a text message that I need to reply to. Or when an update for a game comes on my phone and I don’t need to play the game but I want to play the game so I do even though I’m busy. I also know that my calendar system is on my books and that’s also how I keep track of my assignments and due dates. Also this year I purchased an Ebook on my phone allowing me to take my book with me but its not as heavy, as space consuming, or as expensive as a regular textbook would normally be.

If I had to choose a side I would definitely be in the middle, but more to the against cellphones at a young age side. I just think that there is nothing that kids need on their cell phones or computers at those ages. I didn't get a cell phone until I got into high school so that may be why I may sound like I’m against the whole thing. But I have found now that I use my phone for a lot of things in my everyday life and when I don’t have it there is a lot i can’t do.



Carlton McAllister
Survey of Mass Media

I go to Simpson University in redding looking to expand my knowledge of media