Impact of Media on College Students

Survey of Mass Media
3 min readOct 27, 2014

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are probably the top three social medias that college students use. Now, are they a good thing or bad thing for us college students? Well, that depends on how you look at it. Like all things, there are always two ways of looking at things.

Negative impacts of media on college students

Just like all things, there is always a negative side to it. With social media, there is definitely a negative side to it for college students. For one, most students look at their social media during class hours which may cause most students grades to drop. This is because all their attention is on their social media rather than actually paying attention in class to important information. Another reason social media is bad for college students is because they cause drama. People post certain things that someone else may find offending. On twitter, people use “subtweets,” which talking about someone on twitter without actually saying who they are talking about. Thi can cause unnecessary drama. Instead of dealing with the problem face-to-face, people will hide behind a computer screen and type words to hurt other people. All in all, there is certainly negative aspects that go along with media and college students.

Positive impacts of media on college students

Like all things, there is always a brighter side. For instance, social media is a great way for college students to stay in contact with their high school friend. I, myself have found it much easier for me to know what is going on in my high school friends lives because of social media. Also I am able to stay in contact with more family member through social media. Being away at school is hard, but with social media, my family members can stay in contact with me and know what is going on with my life. Another positive impact social media has for college students is that it is a great way for you to meet your new college roommate. With facebook, you can get in contact with them and meet them before you even arrive on campus. You can find out if you are compatiable, and if you two will get along. Social media also help students stay in contact with the outside world. For example, on twitter you can follow CNN, which can keep you updated with things happening around the world. I sometimes see a tweet, and think is this true, and I will go on a newsite and try and research to find the truth. In the end, social media for college students is a positive impact depending on how students use it.


In the end, Social media for college students is something that will benefit you and destroy you. Depending how each student is, social media can either help you or not. I would hope most students let social media help them in beneficial ways. We can not control what every person does on social media. For instance, we cannot control what people write, and what rumors they start. It sad to think that something so beneficial like social media, can be brought down by people starting unnecessary drama. Social media is something so great for college students, and I hate to see it getting distorted.

