The Impact of Media

Derek Ross
Survey of Mass Media
4 min readOct 27, 2014

The Importance of texting and other forms of media such as, Facebook and Twitter have constantly been on an incline in our world today. Most people in our society find themselves using text messaging and other media sites more than any other time in history! IS this affecting the lives of people, or causing a decline in the way our society communicates with each other? With technology and ways to communicate through technology on the rise, will this continue to have a major impact on how we communicate face to face? Will it get so bad to the point that communicating face to face will become a past reality? Let’s look at some ways that texting and other forms of media are impacting the way we communicate with each other and our personal life, but also some positive effects from these different types of media.

The Impact of Media on Communicating:

WE constantly find ourselves checking our phones, looking on Facebook, listening to streaming music, and even multitasking while doing all three! This current reality is a part of so many people’s lives and is drifting us away from the aspect of face to face communication. People are so comfortable with communicating through forms of media because it gives them a false sense of security and confidence while being able to choose whoever they might want to be. With media, people feel that they have some type of security which gives them confidence to say whatever they want to say because they don’t have to encounter a face to face conversation. With media being such a big part of our lives, we lose the sense of intimacy that lies in a face to face conversation with a person. When we text or send a message via Facebook or Twitter, the messages lose the meaning it would have if said in person, or on a phone call. Instead of hearing the person’s voice or listening to the intentness of the conversation, a text message only portrays what context the message is in, forcing people to assume the level of tone with the message, as well as the meaning behind the message. This can cause many problems and arguments that can just be avoided if people just had more face to face or on the phone conversations.

The Impact of Media on Our Personal Lives:

With Media, People feel as if they are invincible and feel a false sense of satisfaction with life. Media portrays a false sense of satisfaction that people see as a need and become addicted to. Media can cause a person to feel as if they have everything they need just in a simple device in their fingertips. Something that can and will take just about every second of their day away, but to them the sense of satisfaction with this media causes people to feel ecstatic. Some people over-use media to the point that they would rather use media, than do just about anything else in their life. With obesity being at such a high rate with our nation, Media is not something that helps make an impact for that issue, but rather helps add to the problem. Not only with obesity, but the time we spend on activities that are far greater in importance than using media. Taking away valuable family time, outside activities and influencing our minds in a negative way, are just some ways that media can affect us and consequently harm our future.

Positive Effects with Media:

On the other side of the spectrum, there are a few positives that media gives to our society. With media we CAN contact each other at a very efficient rate, rather than having to wait for a face to face conversation. Media gives us the opportunity of staying up to date with what our society is facing, as well as information that is needed for us to be aware of things around us. For people who are interested in sports or the news, we can stay up to date without having to spend the time watching the games, which can take a lot longer than just checking scores and the news feed. With texting, it gives us a very fast way of communicating through email or our mobile devices. It can be effective when people are in meetings, or when you need a very brief answer to something in a very short amount of time. Texting allows us to communicate among our family and friends, even if we may never come in contact with them until certain occasions. Media can be very efficient at times of need, and also gives us a way to communicate quickly.

Your Feedback:

How do you feel that Media is impacting our world today? Do you believe that Media is taking over the way we communicate and could potentially eliminate face to face conversations? How would you say media is impacting your world of communicating and personal life? Lastly, what are the positives that come from media and text message that you believe is of great importance?

