Joy Lynn Terrill
Survey of Mass Media
3 min readSep 29, 2014


Why the Printing Industry is Doomed for Children in the Upcoming Generations.

Technology is quickly replacing printed media and putting them in smaller, compact and more convenient formats.

Our world is riveted with technology. It seems everywhere we go we see someone with their nose in their smartphone screens, laptops, tablets or e-readers. Unless we are walking around a college campus, we rarely see anyone reading printed media as our technicalogical devices are quickly replacing printed media.

Back in the olden days, textbooks, newspapers and magazines were the way of life. Today that way of life has been replaced with technology so small we can hold it in the palm of our hands or even around our wrists. Schools all around the country are switching from the old fashion textbooks, chalkboards and white boards and incorporating a lot of technology into their curriculum.

This makes sense as the younger generations have basically grown up with technology. We can’t go anywhere without seeing “Kid Friendly” laptops for sale or “Kid Friendly” tablets. Regular tablets and phones have a “Child Safe Mode” or a “Parental control setting “on them so the child’s consumption of the technology can be controlled if a child gets a hold of them. Everything is being modified for children and children are quickly learning how to use the technology in which our lives are based off of. It’s very common today to walk around a public place and see a 3-year old using an iPhone like a pro. Getting into the different apps to play games or getting into an app to stream a movie.

There has been many different opinions about children being consumed in technology at such a young age. Many believe young children should not be allowed to use any form of technology until they are older. While others are thankful they have technology to engage and entertain their children.

However, there has been much controversy about children being stimulated by technology or not. Many say their children are so wrapped up in their technology they lack the stimulation to carry on a healthy life. Children are constantly playing video games or streaming movies and playing games on technological devices that they rarely make time for physical activity.

Classes are also being modified for upcoming generations. The invention of Smart-boards and textbooks on tablets are widely being used all over the country. This form of education is not only easier for teachers, but it keeps their students engaged in their lessons simply because it is the method of learning the kids are used to.

Printed media is slowly going out of style as the new generation of books and entertainment is quickly consuming the world’s attention. Books are no longer a dead inanimate object we look at and read as it sits on a table or our laps. In e-readers, tablets and computers they are animated and interactive and the tablets read to us which easily engages the kids more into the story then any ordinary book can do.

We no longer have to waste paper and spend money on printed material because every known kind of book, magazine or even newspapers are all available on our technology via the internet. Eventually the printed media will be eliminated completely and our technology will ultimetely take over our society and the way we are entertained.

I believe it when I say, by the time the generations in Kindergarten make it to college we will be very close to being textbook, chalkboard and white board free.

