Examples of Surveys in Customer Service (From Companies That Do It Right)

Aysha Muhammed
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2023

Have you ever wondered what sets the top-performing companies apart in the competitive world of customer service? It’s not just about having a great product or an efficient support team; it’s also about consistently tapping into the voice of the customer. And what tool have these companies perfected to capture this voice? None other than the humble survey.

So in this week’s newsletter, let’s explore how these top companies, renowned for their customer service, have elevated the survey from a mere feedback mechanism to a strategic art form, thus ensuring they always “do it right”

1. Zappos: The Benchmark for Personalized Feedback

A key player in the e-commerce sector, Zappos’ is often hailed as a paragon of customer service. No, this isn’t just hearsay; there’s concrete data to back up this. A 2018 study found that 85% of Zappos customers were repeat buyers. Now, how the heck did they make it possible?

Simple. Zappos mastered the delicate art of cultivating trust and building long-term relationships with its customers. Not only do they prioritize direct interactions, but they also send out post-purchase surveys. These aren’t any other generic forms; they’re tailored, asking customers about specifics like shoe fit and comfort. This allows them to address product quality, delivery times, and more. The results? Improved product offerings and tailored shopping experiences. Pretty cool. Innit?

2. Starbucks: Brewing Success with the “My Starbucks Idea”

Starbucks serves more than 100 million customers per week. But ever wondered how this global giant maintains a personal touch? Starbucks’ answer: crowdsourcing. Through “My Starbucks Idea,” customers can suggest improvements or new product ideas. You best believe their chartbuster product like the Pumpkin Spice Latte and the uber-cool mobile ordering emerged from this feedback.

The message is clear. The direct customer involvement not only refines their offerings but also creates a sense of shared ownership and loyalty. By incorporating feedback into its business strategy, Starbucks maintains a grassroots connection with its patrons, ensuring that the company grows in tandem with its community. Cheers to that!

3. Apple Product Feedback: Where Details Matter

Apple’s dedication to excellence is well-documented. Their product feedback mechanism digs deep, collecting data on the minutiae of user experience. A survey report in 2020 showed that over 60% of Apple users felt their feedback was genuinely considered.

Part of that magic comes from their feedback system. After purchasing a product, customers often receive an email survey asking about their unboxing experience, product setup, and initial impressions. Apple’s commitment to addressing granular details reflects their deep regard for the end-user experience. High five to that!

If you’ve ever wondered how your business can emulate this level of customer engagement and insight, look no further than SurveySparrow. By making surveys feel more like a conversation, businesses can not only collect feedback but also act upon it, ensuring customers feel heard and valued. Sign up for free today

4. Airbnb: Building Trust Through Transparency

Spanning across 220+ countries and boasting over 7 million unique listings, Airbnb is more than just a platform; it’s a global community. But with such vastness, how does Airbnb ensure every treehouse, city apartment, or cozy cabin meets high standards?

By using a dual-feedback system, wherein both hosts and guests are invited to review each other. This peer-review system not only ensures the quality of listings but also inculcates a sense of responsibility and community. Moreover, if a guest reports a major concern during their stay, Airbnb’s robust support system steps in, ensuring both parties are supported.The feedback loop is instantaneous and direct, building trust within the platform.

5. Sephora: Beauty Tailored to Individuality

Stepping into the realm of beauty and cosmetics, Sephora emerges as a shining beacon of customer-centricity. After each purchase or store visit, Sephora often dispatches surveys aimed at understanding individual beauty preferences and shopping experiences. But they don’t stop there.

Collating this feedback, they’ve continually refined their product range, in-store consultations, and even their famed Beauty Insider program. What truly sets Sephora apart is its dynamic integration of feedback into creating personalized product recommendations, ensuring every customer feels seen, valued, and unique. The message is clear: in the world of beauty, one size doesn’t fit all. Through surveys, Sephora ensures it never has to.

Wrapping it up

In essence, these companies show us the transformative power of a well-executed survey strategy. A humble questionnaire can offer insights, foster trust, and craft brand narratives. As more companies embrace this tool, we can expect a world where businesses are more attuned to our needs, aspirations, and feedback. After all, isn’t that the height of excellent customer service?

Remember, as highlighted by these industry leaders, the key isn’t just to ask but to listen with intent and then take meaningful action. In the words of Bill Gates, “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.

