How to organise your survival items

Survival Family
Suvival Family
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2019


So let’s say there is a power outage but you can’t find your flashlight, or you need to start a fire but can’t find the box of matches…

The whole idea of being a prepper or survivalist means to always be ready for a disaster or worst case scenario.

Be prepared for anything!

Being organised plays a massive part in that.

If you are someone who has a large collection of survival items but they are just scattered all over the place then this article is for you.

Today we want to help you with some tips on how to keep your survival gear organised in case there comes a time that you need them.

Pick a spot

You need to dedicate a place (or places) for your survival items.

Whether it’s a cupboard, car boot, closet or just corner of a room be sure to keep them in this one place so you know exactly where they are when the time calls.

Be sure that you or someone shorter than you can reach them. Who knows maybe your children will need to bring you a bandaid.

Make sure they are stored in non-hazardous locations. There have been a rise in house fires caused by how batteries are sometimes stored.

Somewhere with a lot of shelves with a wide open space would be ideal check out this post by survivalmom for a great example of this.

How to assemble your items

First things first you’ll need to gather all your items together into one pile. From here we want to split everything up into different categories.

I’ve come up with a basic list of different categories for you and what could go in them.

  • Emergency food kit (Dried noodles, Soups, Tinned Foods)
  • First aid kit
  • Energy sources (Batteries, Solar charger)
  • Light / Heat sources (Lighter, Magnesium rod, Matches, Flashlights)
  • Clothing (Rain poncho)
  • Outdoor items (Tents, Sleeping bags, Backpacks)
  • Water purification items (filtration device)
  • Miscellaneous items

If you haven’t bought any of these items yet or are unsure what you need, I have some recommendations in another article about our top 5 survival items.

You may want to have containers and labels so that you can clearly see a category from a distance.

Be sure to keep any larger items to one side so that you don’t obstruct your access to smaller items especially first aid.

Hang items up if necessary to reduce clutter and keep restocking items you have used up such as batteries or plasters.

If you have identified any new categories be sure to label those and if you’ve got a sec please tell the rest of us in the comments below :)

Make plans for your gear

Now that we have organised all the survival items and have them nicely packed away in their perfect little places we need to start making plans for them.

You want to be familiar with your items and know exactly what to grab if SHTF.

I would recommend creating item checklists for what you’d need in case of certain disasters.

Write down a list of items that will help you the most in case of these following disasters:

  • Snow Storm
  • Flash floods
  • Power cut
  • Forest fires
  • War / Civil Unrest

If you can see the weather warnings or the way the world is going on the news maybe you could prepare key items in advance.

Checkout this post over at prepperbits for more on planning survival items.


Hopefully this post has helped you come up with some ideas on how to tackle that massive pile of survival items in your house.

Don’t be caught out if something happens and you don’t have what you need to hand because of being unorganised.

Also please let us know how it goes for you and if you have any other ideas that could be helpful.

Till next time survivors!



Survival Family
Suvival Family

This is a blog built to help families survive any disaster life may throw at them.