Survival skills that will help your child stay alive

Survival Family
Suvival Family
Published in
7 min readJan 11, 2020

We strive to pass on many different things to our children. Maybe a house, a trust fund or even a family heirloom.

These are all fine, but we should at some point consider passing on something else a bit more immediate that they can use right now.

Such as survival skills for when sh*t hits the fan.

The world has many dangers and we focus a lot on keeping these away from our children but maybe we should also prepare them in case they have to face them without us.

Here at survival family we are all about teaching families survival skills. We like to take a typical survival situation and ask “what if you have kids with you?”.

It’s better to have your kids brought up to speed should such a situation arise.

So in this post we want to help you choose what survival skills you should teach your child in order for them to survive.

1# How to call for help

In the UK we had a TV show in the 90s called 999.

This is the number you had to dial for emergency services and the show would tell the stories behind the calls.

One story that has always stuck with me was the woman who collapsed whilst at home with her very young child and laid unconscious.

Seeing what happened this young child picked up the house phone (no mobiles back then) and dialled 999. They were able to give updates on her condition and let the paramedics into the house.

This is something all children should learn. With all the mobile phones and other touch screen devices, you could easily show your child how to get hold of emergency services.

Most phones do not even require unlocking in order to make the call.

Be sure to also teach them what sort of information they may need such as your home address and what will happen after the call.

2# How to run and hide

In times of crisis or survival, there may be times when you need to stay hidden.

For example in times of civil unrest, thieves or looters can get desperate and may even decide to target a child if they have something they want.

Maybe they come across a wild animal or even an untrained dog. They must know how to get away and stay hidden until the danger is gone.

Children can fit into more hiding spots than us. I recall a friend of mine was told to hide in his closet should it sound like someone was breaking into his home while his parents were out.

Knowing when and why to do this can save your child.

3# Basic self defense

Let’s be real, a child will stand little chance in a fight against an adult or even an older child.

However in survival situations they can still use basic self defense as a means of escape rather than to win the fight.

It would be better to not have to fight at all. I’ve taught my children to make noise if they find themselves being approached by a stranger as this could stop a kidnapping right in its tracks.

Otherwise such tactics like biting, scratching, groin shots and attacking their shins or eyes can buy them a valuable head start.

4# Simple first aid

Knowing how to clean a cut and apply a plaster is simple enough for children to learn.

This can also mean preventing an infection which in a survival situation would probably not be seen to.

It could also be useful to teach them about different medicines, such as cough syrup, painkillers and aspirin.

Depending on your child’s age they can also learn even learn CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation).

5# What to do if you get lost

Whether they take a wrong turn in a shopping mall or run deep into a forest whilst playing, your children should know the protocol if they get lost.

Firstly, staying calm and not allowing the situation to cause panic will be essential. As a child not knowing where you are or how to get back could be terrifying.

Knowing who they can seek help from, is important here. Whether a police officer or a member of staff they should know what their options are in terms of who they can talk to.

Information such as their home address or your phone number will be vital.

6# Learn where family or friends live

Speaking of knowing their home address they should also know where other family, friends or even safe house locations.

If something should happen where you live and it is no longer safe there. This could give you a good idea as to where your children would be taken to or go themselves.

Be sure your child has options for safe places to go.

When I would be traveling home from school I knew where my aunties and uncles lived should I need to go there.

7# Being aware of surroundings

It’s sad but with the world we live in today your child should always be wary of their surroundings especially of someone that looks suspicious.

Shady vehicles, wild animals, untamed dogs are all things to take note of should they be out without a parent.

This is not just people or animals, they could underestimate a river or end up playing around a construction site (yes I’ve seen this before).

A child should be able to spot and avoid these potential threats way in advance.

8# Know if food is safe to eat

I currently have a one year old daughter and one of the reasons I have to keep a constant eye on her at all times is because she puts everything in her mouth!

Older children naturally know the danger of choking on random objects but they should also be knowledgeable about food in times of survival.

They must be able to recognise spoiled food with signs of mould or even checking an expiration date.

This can also help them to avoid unsafe meat, fruit, vegetables or fungi.

9# Good hygiene practices

Teaching your children to stay clean is something you would do even when not in a survival situation.

However they could know the reasons this is even more so important in difficult times.

They can easily avoid rashes or infection by simply staying clean and away from dirty places.

They could also know better then to use dirty tools like cups or cutlery and to wash them first.

10# Good spiritual and emotional mentality

If the worse was to happen such as a world war, a massive virus outbreak or maybe a tsunami.

You could find that your child experiences the loss of loved ones.

Depending on your beliefs, you may tell them that these people have gone on to a better place in an attempt to comfort them.

Whether you believe that or not is irrelevant but I feel that in these situations you want your child to be strong mentally and emotionally to handle a survival situation.

Being mentally and spiritually fit I feel will keep your child fighting to stay alive and remain unscarred inside.

Maybe someday you could talk to your kids about death (tactfully) and help them understand that it is an inevitable part of life.


That’s all for today folks.

Are there any survival skills you feel would be good for children to learn?

If so leave them below and let’s start a conversation.

Thank you very much for your time today, till next time survivors.



Survival Family
Suvival Family

This is a blog built to help families survive any disaster life may throw at them.