Game On: Strategies for Traditionalists to Become Disruptors

Lars Nordenlund
Survival of The Strategic Fittest
10 min readAug 14, 2024

The Strategic Challenge for Traditional Industry Leaders And How To Turn The Game On

In the intense competitive landscape of AI disruption and global business, traditional industry leaders face an unprecedented challenge: the relentless invasion of innovation disruptors coming from behind. It’s game on all day.

These disruptors, often characterized by their agility, technological superiority, and customer-centric approaches, are rapidly gaining market share and reshaping entire industries.

This is in sharp contrast to the traditionalists leading with a culture of believes that older ways of doing or thinking about things are better than newer ways. The leadership consequence; if you are not evolving and innovating for progress, you are loosing the competitive game and customer relevance.

For established companies, the strategic imperative is clear — adapt and disrupt or face irrelevance.

The rise of these new market entrants poses a significant threat to traditional leaders who have long enjoyed dominance through well-established business models and brand loyalty. However, the very factors that once ensured their market leadership — entrenched practices, legacy systems, and bureaucratic inertia — now hinder their ability to respond swiftly to market changes. In contrast, disruptors leverage cutting-edge technology, data analytics, and agile methodologies to innovate and meet evolving customer needs more effectively.

This chapter explores the strategic challenge faced by traditional industry leaders as they contend with the growing influence of innovation disruptors. It delves into the reasons behind the disruptors’ success, examines the vulnerabilities of established companies, and offers insights into how traditional leaders can adapt their strategies to reclaim their market position.

The narrative highlights real-world examples of both triumph and failure, providing a comprehensive understanding of the high-stakes battle for market relevance in a rapidly transforming business environment.

As we navigate this strategic challenge, the focus will be on actionable strategies that traditional industry leaders can employ to not only defend their market share but also to innovate from within. By embracing a culture of continuous innovation and transformation, traditional companies can turn the tide in their favor, ensuring sustained growth and competitive advantage in the face of relentless disruption.

We will explore successful strategies that traditional industry leaders can adopt to regain their positions over new disruptors

The Impact on Traditionalists

For traditionalists, this shift from established market leaders to new disruptors can be daunting. Companies that have long relied on their established reputations and customer loyalty find themselves losing ground to nimbler, more innovative competitors.

Traditional industry leaders are often slow to react to rapid technological changes and evolving customer preferences, leaving them vulnerable to more agile and forward-thinking entrants. This loss of category leadership is frequently accompanied by significant financial losses, dwindling market shares, and the need for drastic restructuring measures, including layoffs. In some cases, the inability to adapt and innovate leads to the ultimate downfall; bankruptcy. The stark reality is that legacy systems and bureaucratic inertia are ill-equipped to compete with the speed and flexibility of new entrants, highlighting the urgent need for traditionalists to reinvent themselves or face obsolescence.

Industries such as retail, automotive, media, financial services, and healthcare have been among the most impacted by innovation disruptors. The financial consequences for traditional leaders in these sectors include significant market share losses, declining revenues, restructuring costs, and in some cases, bankruptcy.

In the financial services industry, fintech companies like PayPal, Square, and Robinhood have disrupted traditional banking and investment firms. These fintech disruptors have leveraged technology to offer more accessible, user-friendly, and often cheaper financial services. As a result, traditional banks have faced declining customer bases and the need to invest heavily in digital transformation initiatives. JPMorgan Chase, for instance, announced a $12 billion investment in technology in 2021 to enhance its digital capabilities and compete with fintech firms.

The healthcare industry has also felt the impact of disruptors. Companies like Teladoc and GoodRx have transformed the delivery of healthcare services through telemedicine and online prescription platforms. These innovations have put pressure on traditional healthcare providers to adopt digital health solutions rapidly. The financial impact is evident as traditional healthcare companies invest billions in technology upgrades and partnerships with digital health firms to stay competitive.

The urgent need for traditionalists to embrace reinvention and transformation is clear if they are to survive and thrive in this new business landscape.

Leadership Commitment to Reinvention and Transformation: The Key to Survival

In the battle for survival in a disruptive business environment, the commitment of leadership to reinvention and transformation is paramount. Leaders who are willing to champion change, embrace innovation, and drive a forward-thinking culture within their organizations are the ones who will ensure their companies not only survive but thrive.

This commitment goes beyond incremental operational optimization; reinvention requires a strategic vision, bold decision-making, and the willingness to invest in the future, even at the cost of short-term gains.

Turning traditional mature companies into business innovation first disruptors can be done effectively to reclaim category leadership and generate renewed economic value. But it takes dedication and tenacity to get there. Leaders must foster an environment where experimentation is encouraged, and failure is seen as a stepping stone to success. By leading the charge in adapting to new technologies, shifting market dynamics, and evolving customer expectations, leadership ensures that their organizations remain agile, competitive, and poised for long-term success.

In essence, the survival of the strategic fittest in today’s business world rely on the unwavering commitment of leaders to drive continuous reinvention and transformation.

Investing in Innovation: One of the most effective strategies for traditionalists looking to reclaim or retain category leadership is investing in business innovation driven reinvention. This can take various forms, such as developing new customer centric products, improving existing ones, or adopting more efficient processes and transitioning to new business models like subscriptions. Driving new revenue streams outside core business is key to a long-term successful strategic positioning.

Companies must be willing to invest in research and development (R&D), even if it means short-term financial sacrifices and go through the sometimes comprehensive business transformation.

Traditional companies often find themselves at a crossroads. The challenge is not just to maintain their core operations but also to innovate and stay competitive. However, the conventional approach of allocating a percentage of revenue to innovation is often insufficient. Instead, establishing investments dedicated to business innovation can make a difference.

Successful Reinvention Strategies For Traditional Market Leaders

For traditionalist companies, adopting a structured and dedicated approach to reinvention with innovation at the core is imperative. It’s a highly managed process. By establishing ring-fenced investments, hiring specialized innovation talent, and maintaining a separate innovation structure, these companies can foster a culture of continuous innovation across the business. Employing agile methodologies and a stage-gate process can ensures that only the most promising ideas are pursued.

Embracing these strategies can enable traditionalist companies to navigate the challenges of the modern market and achieve sustainable growth through innovation.

Successful reinvention strategies are rooted in a proactive approach to change, focusing on continuous innovation and adaptability. Companies that have successfully reinvented themselves often start by redefining their business models, ensuring they are aligned with the latest technological advancements and market demands. This can involve pivoting to new revenue streams, embracing digital transformation, using the power of transformative AI, and adopting agile methodologies that allow for rapid iteration and responsiveness to market shifts. Additionally, fostering a culture of innovation is crucial — this means creating an environment where creative ideas are nurtured, and calculated risks are encouraged.

AI Transformation: Leveraging AI technology and customer shifts for transformation to market leadership. In the era of artificial intelligence successful reinvention increasingly hinges on leveraging AI’s transformative potential. AI can deliver significant business impact, but to maximize its value, companies must take an end-to-end approach. This involves weaving together strategy, process redesign, and both human and technical capabilities to create the fabric of an AI-driven organization. Companies that lead in AI don’t just use the technology - they are defined by it, reshaping industries by embedding AI into every facet of their operations. As generative AI brings this power to more businesses, the ranks of AI leaders are poised to grow. However, reaching this level of integration requires a holistic approach: understanding how AI drives business outcomes, reimagining processes, fostering adoption, and developing the right capabilities, roles, and governance.

Research shows that fully embedded AI is a key attribute of future-built companies that excel across both financial and nonfinancial measures. These companies are re-built around AI, with the right roles, responsibilities, and culture to support its integration - just as important as the technology itself. As generative AI democratizes access to advanced AI tools, enabling companies without extensive data science resources to benefit from the technology, an end-to-end approach to AI will be crucial for gaining a competitive edge. By pulling all these levers — strategic, operational, and cultural - companies can deploy AI at scale and amplify its value, positioning themselves as leaders in their industries.

Enterprise Innovation Ventures is a dedicated strategy to reinvent traditional enterprise businesses by launching new ventures that drive innovation. The mission is to create disruptive category leaders, transforming industries and establishing a new standard for success. Through strategic foresight and bold execution, the enterprises unlock their potential and resources to take the disruptive lead in an evolving market. The dedicated innovation ventures means establishing a separate entity solely dedicated to innovation projects. By preventing the dilution of focus and resources, this structure allows the innovation team to operate with greater agility and freedom. This dedicated unit can adopt agile philosophies, enabling them to respond swiftly to changes and iterate rapidly on ideas.

Silicon Valley Innovation Outposts: Many traditional companies have established innovation outposts in Silicon Valley to tap into the region’s unparalleled innovation ecosystem. These outposts serve as satellite offices dedicated to scouting emerging technologies, forging partnerships with startups, and fostering a culture of innovation. For example, companies like BMW and Johnson & Johnson have set up innovation hubs in Silicon Valley to drive their R&D efforts and stay ahead of technological trends.

In my role with Milestone Incubation and Ventures as part of the Canon Group in Silicon Valley I gained first hand experience with innovation driven transformation leadership. The mission was to spearheaded the founding innovation and reinvention strategy to launch new businesses from scratch. Focusing on transformative ideation and incubation of new ventures in computer vision beyond Milestone’s core operations.

The innovation outpost in Silicon Valley eventually drove substantial growth, contributing to more than 25% of Milestone’s corporate revenue. The Incubation and Ventures team was built from the ground up with a basic principle and vision of fostering transformative ideas and driving innovation. Focusing on leveraging Silicon Valley’s dynamic ecosystem to push the boundaries of video surveillance technologies and business models into a cohesive winning strategy.

The strategic vision and execution in this case exemplify the opportunity to lead and nurture innovative ventures, driving substantial business impact within a large corporate framework.

Establishing Ring-Fenced Investments: A key component of a robust innovation strategy is the creation of a dedicated financial pool specifically for innovation. Unlike traditional methods where a percentage of revenue is earmarked for R&D, this approach involves setting aside a regular fund group for innovation purpose. This ensures a consistent and reliable stream of resources, free from the fluctuations of the company’s core business performance. By securing dedicated financials, traditional companies can sustain long-term innovation efforts without compromising their primary operations.

Specialized Talent for Innovation: To spearhead innovation, it is essential to hire individuals with unique skills in innovation and ideation. These professionals bring fresh perspectives and are core to identifying opportunities that align with emerging trends and technologies. Unlike generalist staff, these specialists possess the expertise required to navigate the complexities of innovation, from conceptualization to execution. By creating a team solely focused on innovation, companies can ensure that their initiatives are led by those with the necessary vision and experience.

Building a Culture of Innovation: Creating a culture of innovation within the organization is crucial. This involves empowering employees at all levels to contribute ideas, encouraging controlled risk-taking, and fostering an environment where creativity is valued. Leaders must lead by example, demonstrating their commitment to innovation through their actions and decisions.

Dedicated Innovation Structure: Innovation efforts is ideally be kept distinct from the core organization to avoid falling into traditional process and systems not facilitating innovation and reinvention.

Agile Methodologies and Stage-Gate Process: Implementing agile methodologies is crucial for fostering a dynamic and responsive innovation environment. Agile philosophies prioritize iterative development, continuous feedback, and flexibility, making them ideal for innovation projects. Additionally, a stage-gate process can be employed to manage the progression of ideas into business. This process involves several stages:

  1. Ideation: Generating and capturing new ideas.
  2. Strategy: Assessing the feasibility and alignment with strategic goals.
  3. Funding: Allocating resources for promising ideas.
  4. Building: Developing prototypes and MVPs (Minimum Viable Products).
  5. Launching: Bringing the innovations to market.

Each stage serves as a checkpoint, ensuring that only the most viable and strategically aligned projects move forward.

Forming Strategic Partnerships: Another strategy is forming strategic partnerships with innovative companies. By collaborating with startups or technology firms, traditional companies can gain access to new technologies and insights that can help them stay competitive. These partnerships can also provide a fresh perspective, helping traditional companies to think outside the box and challenge their established norms.

The Continuing Evolution: As we look to the future, it’s clear that the evolution of category leadership will continue beyond the reinvention. Innovators will keep pushing the boundaries, challenging the status quo, and driving progress. Traditional companies that fail to adapt will find themselves increasingly marginalized, while those that embrace change will thrive.

The Role of Leadership: The applied leadership principles in an organization will play a pivotal role in this ongoing transformation. Effective leaders must be visionaries, capable of anticipating market trends and steering their companies in new directions. They must also be adept at managing change, inspiring their teams, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

The shift in category leadership from traditionalists to disruptors is a testament to the power of business innovation. In today’s business environment, staying ahead of the curve requires a relentless focus on technology, customer-centricity, and agility. Traditional companies must recognize the urgency of this shift and take proactive steps to innovate, or risk being left behind. Game on.



Lars Nordenlund
Survival of The Strategic Fittest

Strategist, advisor, and entrepreneur with a global mindset. 20+ years of CxO experience building companies in Silicon Valley ventures and global enterprises.