Envisioning: Defining Your Own Future in the Age of Transformation

Lars Nordenlund
Survival of The Strategic Fittest
5 min readMay 16, 2024
Illustation Created by DALE-E

Chapter 7: Scenario Envisioning — Defining Future Winning Strategies

It’s fair to say it’s hard to predict the future. This is despite attempts to link past events with future results. Looking backwards gives you some hint of future outcomes. But, for a business, I still believe the best way to prep for the future is to create it yourself.

Drive breakthrough innovation to shape the future in your own scenario planning. This approach is powerful. It disciplines us to explore new territory. You must bypass market uncertainty. You must believe in yourself more than what seems real. And you must try to manage your own biases. They often foil attempts to take the long view.

The business landscape is changing fast due to the AI transformation. Defining and executing winning strategies is more critical than ever. Traditional planning centric enterprises as well as agile startups face this new terrain.

The key is to predict future scenarios and adapt. This chapter explores how Scenario Envisioning can craft winning strategies securing market fit and competitive positioning. These are key to creating market leadership. We will also cover the essential business model design process. It is crucial for thriving in this era of change.

The AI-Driven Paradigm Shift

AI has sped up disruption across all industries. McKinsey Global Institute research shows that AI could add about $13 trillion to the economy by 2030, and alone boost global GDP by 1.2% each year. This shows the need to change strategies and adapt to a new industry reality. There are different challenges to adapt for different stages of the business evolution.

Traditional enterprises often face the “Innovator’s Dilemma.” where strategic transformation is like turning a supertanker. New disruptors take their market and challenge their position as leaders. The challengers have the chance to take market share and redefine segments. But, they face the risk of insufficient funds and lack of key skills to secure market fit.

To survive and thrive, both startups and established companies must envision a redefined future. They must adapt to a strategic plan with the goal of securing a leading market position.

Industry transformers like Netflix has been driving a comprehensive change across technology enhancements, digital process optimization and organizational cultures to innovate new game changing products. This to satisfy the needs of a new generation of cutomers with different online behaviors. Netflix’s transformation from a DVD rental service to a leading producer of original content exemplifies strategic agility. In 2013, CEO Reed Hastings announced a new mission to produce high-quality original content. This bold move paid off, with Netflix’s revenue tripling and its stock price increasing by an average of 57% annually since the transformation began. Netflix’s commitment to creating Emmy and Oscar-winning content has set a new industry standard and solidified its position as a media powerhouse.

Strategic Scenario Envisioning: A Tool for Strategic Foresight and Fit

Strategic Scenario Envisioning is a planning tool to help you make a successful business transformation . It helps organizations visualize and prepare for high-impact future possibilities. For example, a MedTech industry leader made a prediction. It was about the future market. It would change strategic positioning. They used Scenario Envisioning to predict how AI will impact diagnostic tools. The company explored scenarios. AI could either help humans augment or fully automate diagnosis. This led to a dual strategy to adapt and use AI toe get ahead of competition. They invested in AI to improve their products. They also partnered with AI startups to stay at the forefront of innovation.

By exploring different scenarios, businesses can find challenges and opportunities. This lets them develop strong strategies that can adapt to different outcomes. This process involves:

  1. Identifying Key Drivers of Change: Deep understanding the primary factors influencing the market, such as technological advancements, regulatory changes, and shifting consumer behaviors. You conduct thorough market research. This research finds the core problems AI can solve for customers. For example Airbnb identified a gap in the market for affordable and flexible accommodation. Airbnb disrupted the hotel industry. It did this by levering the principle of sharing economy and build an AI powered matching engine. It also put user trust and convenience first. Airbnb now became a leading choice for travelers worldwide.
  2. Developing Plausible Scenarios: Creating a range of plausible future scenarios based on these key drivers, considering both best-case and worst-case outcomes.
  3. Assessing Implications: Analyzing the impact of each scenario on the business, including potential risks and opportunities. This involves leveraging tools like impact analysis to systematically evaluate strategic options.
  4. Formulating Winning Strategies: Developing flexible strategies that can be adjusted as the future unfolds, ensuring the organization remains resilient and competitive. The importance of dynamic capabilities, including sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring, in adapting to rapidly changing environments.
  5. Customer-Centric Innovation: Developing AI solutions that address these problems effectively, enhancing customer value. For example, Netflix was one of the first to automate AI algorithms to provide personalized content recommendations, which has significantly boosted user engagement and satisfaction. Almost to the level of entertainment addiction.
  6. Agile Adaptation: Continuously iterating on products and services based on customer feedback and market trends. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, are instrumental in maintaining a rapid and responsive development cycle.

This process was applied with an example in Financial Services. A major bank used Scenario Envisioning to prepare for the rise of fintech disruptors. The bank envisioned a future where AI platforms could offer great customer experiences. So, it launched an internal lab to develop its AI solutions. This approach was proactive. It let the bank introduce AI-powered financial tools, and maintain their competitive edge.

As we navigate this changing world, it is essential to stay agile. We must keep learning and evolving to meet the challenges and opportunities from AI. Businesses can use Scenario Envisioning to gain strategic insights. These insights can help them position for long-term success and market leadership. This scientific approach to planning gives organizations the tools to thrive. It also fosters a culture of innovation and adaptability. These are essential for lasting success in the age of AI.

Securing strategic market fit is essential for the success of new innovation products and strategies. It involves these 3 things. You must understand market needs, offer unique value, and stay adaptable. This ensures that new innovations resonate with their intended audience. They are embraced by the audience, driving long-term success. It involves ensuring that a product or strategy fits the needs and preferences of the target market. It must stand out in a crowded field and drive adoption and growth.

For example, take Slack. It was developed as an internal tool. But, it found its market fit by meeting the widespread need for efficient workplace communication. Its easy-to-use interface and seamless integrations made it a go-to solution for businesses. This led to rapid adoption.

AI is transforming industries at an unprecedented pace. Scenario Envisioning is for defining future-winning strategies. By seeing the future and making flexible plans, businesses can secure their market fit. They can achieve a good position and design market leading business models. They provide a roadmap for organizations aiming to lead in the AI-driven future.



Lars Nordenlund
Survival of The Strategic Fittest

Strategist, advisor, and entrepreneur with a global mindset. 20+ years of CxO experience building companies in Silicon Valley ventures and global enterprises.