Strategy Adoption At The Speed of Real-time AI

Lars Nordenlund
Survival of The Strategic Fittest
8 min readSep 6, 2024
The Speed of Real-time AI

Strategy Development: Navigating Change in the AI Era

The speed of market change has reached unprecedented levels. Disruption is no longer a rare event; it has become a constant feature of the modern marketplace. Companies are challenged by ever-shortening product life cycles, the rise of new competitors, and evolving customer expectations. At the center of this shift is artificial intelligence, which has fundamentally transformed the way businesses adapt to these changes.

AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data, optimize processes, and enable real-time decision-making has made it possible for companies to respond to disruption up to 10 times faster than in previous paradigms.

In this chapter, we will explore how the speed and efficiency of AI analytics, product development, and process optimization have reshaped the landscape of strategy adoption, positioning companies for success in a world defined by continuous disruption.

To succeed in this fast-paced landscape, businesses must embrace AI not just as a tool but as a strategic enabler. This force can drive faster, smarter, and more agile responses to the disruptions shaping tomorrow’s market.

The Speed of AI Analytics: Real-Time Insights at Scale

In traditional business settings, strategic decisions were often based on periodic event-driven analysis -quarterly or yearly reviews. Data was manually gathered and assessed by teams of analysts. This slow process left companies vulnerable to market shifts, unable to respond swiftly to emerging trends or threats. Today, AI-powered analytics have radically altered the speed at which companies can gather insights and act on them.

AI excels at real-time data processing, allowing businesses to tap into a constant flow of information. Through machine learning algorithms, AI can identify patterns, detect anomalies, and make predictions with unparalleled speed and accuracy. For instance, an AI system can analyze millions of data points — from customer behaviors and market trends to competitor actions. Within seconds, providing strategic recommendations in real time.

This capability enables companies to adopt strategies at a pace unimaginable in the pre-AI era. A decision-making process that once took weeks or months can now be completed in hours. This efficiency is particularly valuable in industries characterized by rapid technological advancements, such as retail, finance, and consumer goods, where real-time market intelligence can be the difference between capitalizing on an opportunity or being left behind.

Companies are required to operate in a landscape where agility, adaptability, and innovation are paramount for survival. This builds on the insights from my previous research published as “Value-Creating Strategies in De-Capitalized Business Networks” and incorporates today’s market dynamics to explore strategy development in this new era, where AI plays a pivotal role.

We will also include the updated methodology and approach for strategic development, applying it to the realities of AI and market disruption.

AI as a Strategic Catalyst in Modern Business Networks

The core principle from Value-Creating Strategies in De-Capitalized Business Networks — that value creation is optimized through growth driven by alliances and networks — remains profoundly relevant today. The foundational emphasis on flexibility, network-based business models, and outsourcing non-strategic functions to focus on core competencies has become even more critical in the AI-driven business environment.

Building on this foundation, companies must now integrate AI into their value networks to drive efficiency and foster innovation. The earlier notion of de-capitalization, where firms prioritize knowledge, brand ownership, and outsourced production, aligns seamlessly with today’s AI-driven ecosystems. Modern strategies must evolve by embedding AI into the core of operations, decision-making processes, and value webs, using it to navigate volatility and disruption.

AI has transitioned from a technical enabler to a strategic catalyst, reshaping industries and driving market disruption. Its power lies in processing vast datasets, generating insights in real time, and automating decision-making, giving companies a significant edge in adapting to market shifts.

This capacity to analyze and act on real-time market intelligence is the new cornerstone of competitive advantage in strategy development.

In the original strategy management theory, leveraging e-business and networks to scale was crucial — now, AI amplifies this through data-driven ecosystems. Companies that utilize AI to analyze real-time data can respond faster to customer demands, technology changes, and competitive pressures, making real-time market intelligence the new cornerstone of competitive advantage in strategy development.

AI-Driven Competitive Advantage: From De-Capitalized Networks to Autonomous Systems

In the early De-Capitalized Business Networks, the focus was on achieving competitive advantage through alliances, flexibility, and a core business focus. Today, these principles are further enhanced by AI, which allows for deeper, more efficient integration across business networks. AI helps companies create automated decision systems, enhancing their ability to respond quickly to market disruptions and capitalize on opportunities faster than competitors.

For example, businesses can deploy AI-powered predictive analytics to optimize supply chains, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce operational costs, thus creating sustainable competitive advantages. AI transforms data into actionable insights, enabling companies to stay ahead of the competition by predicting market shifts and adjusting strategies proactively.

Managing Disruption: Strategic Agility in an AI-Driven World

Disruption is now the norm, not the exception. Traditional strategy development cycles are no longer sufficient. Companies must continuously update and adapt their strategies in response to evolving market conditions, regulatory environments, and technological innovations.

One of the most significant strategic shifts AI enables is the move from long-term planning to real-time strategy management. AI allows companies to respond dynamically to external disruptions, whether in supply chain issues, market demand shifts, or competitive challenges.

Through AI, companies can employ agile strategies, leveraging data to make immediate, informed decisions that would previously have required extensive analysis.

Evolving Strategy in an Age of AI and Market Disruption

The approach to strategy development outlined in the Value-Creating Strategies in De-Capitalized Business Networks remains foundational in today’s environment but must now be enhanced by AI-driven insights, tools, and processes.

The structured ten-step approach provides a solid framework for guiding companies through the complexities of modern strategy development.

By incorporating AI into each step, businesses can amplify their agility, enhance decision-making capabilities, and create sustainable competitive advantages in an era of continuous disruption. The fusion of AI-powered ecosystems with de-capitalized network strategies is the path forward, ensuring companies are not only resilient in the face of disruption but also positioned to lead in the age of AI.

Methodology and Approach to Strategy Development

To develop strategies that leverage the advantages of AI and networked business models, we build upon a ten-step approach to strategy development. This structured methodology was designed to guide companies through the complexities of de-capitalized business environments and is still highly applicable in today’s AI-driven landscape.

  1. Fact-Based Assessment: Begin by conducting a thorough analysis of the core business. This includes assessing your company’s external strategic position, competitive advantages, and internal core competencies. In today’s context, this analysis should integrate AI capabilities, available data sources, and potential technological innovations. AI can help identify growth opportunities within existing data and improve the precision of strategic assessments.
  2. Growth Opportunity Identification: In the AI era, growth is no longer limited to expanding physical assets or markets. Today’s strategies should look for AI-enabled growth opportunities, such as personalized products and services, or the ability to use AI to unlock new business models or revenue streams. Companies should also assess how AI can enhance their ability to automate non-core functions and focus on core strengths and business network models.
  3. Strategy Formation Based on Uncertainty: The next phase involves choosing strategic directions based on different levels of uncertainty. The methodology outlines three key options in response to uncertainty: maintaining stability, pursuing incremental changes, or making radical strategic shifts. In the AI context, this becomes even more critical. Businesses must decide whether to use AI to optimize existing processes or fundamentally reshape their market position through innovative AI solutions.
  4. Networking Organization Design: Much like the network-based organization, modern strategies must include a design that integrates external partnerships, data sources, and AI-driven tools. Companies today should consider themselves part of AI-powered value networks, where data flows freely between partners, and AI systems enable real-time collaboration. This could be through APIs, AI partnerships, or shared data platforms, reinforcing the idea that no company can succeed alone in a highly connected, AI-driven world.
  5. Alliance and Partnership Strategies: The methodology emphasizes the importance of alliances and partnerships in value creation. AI provides new opportunities to enhance these relationships. Companies can use AI to integrate better with partners by sharing real-time insights, collaborating on AI-driven product development, and leveraging AI platforms to enhance supply chain efficiencies.
  6. Patching Strategy and Continuous Adaptation: An essential aspect of the original methodology was the creation of patching strategies, where organizations could adjust to environmental changes without needing full transformations. In today’s AI world, this continuous adaptation is even more critical. AI systems should be designed to constantly learn and evolve, allowing companies to patch their strategies in real time as new data becomes available or market conditions change.
  7. Change Management and Overcoming Resistance: Any strategic change, particularly when introducing AI, can meet with internal resistance. The methodology addresses this by developing specific action plans to overcome such resistance, involving stakeholder engagement and clear communication of AI’s benefits. AI-powered tools can assist by identifying where organizational friction may occur and by automating parts of the change process itself.
  8. Vision and Leadership in AI-Driven Strategy: Strategic leadership is paramount in ensuring AI is used to its full potential. Leaders must communicate the company’s AI vision and ensure that teams are motivated and aligned with AI-driven objectives. This vision management was highlighted in the earlier research as vital in navigating change, and it remains true today, with AI transformation requiring strong, visionary leadership to overcome both technological and human challenges.
  9. Ethical Considerations and Risk Management: As part of strategy formation, companies must now include the ethical use of AI in their strategy development. As AI becomes central to decision-making, companies must build frameworks for monitoring AI’s use, ensuring compliance with ethical standards, and preventing bias or data misuse. The earlier focus on risk management in alliances and open systems is highly relevant here — companies must ensure that their AI systems operate within secure, ethical, and transparent frameworks.
  10. Learning Loop for Strategy Refinement: Finally, strategies must be continuously refined. The methodology highlights the importance of continuous learning and iterative improvements, which are highly compatible with AI’s feedback loop mechanisms. AI-driven strategies should be tested, refined, and adjusted in real time, creating a dynamic learning organization capable of evolving alongside technological and market disruptions.

Case in point: Cisco applied its new AI-powered strategy approach to transform its global supply chain, addressing challenges such as inefficiencies, supplier bottlenecks, and fluctuating demand. By integrating AI-driven analytics, Cisco was able to gather real-time insights into its supply chain, predict disruptions, and optimize both inventory and production schedules, resulting in faster and more accurate decision-making processes.

The company utilized AI-powered demand forecasting to improve accuracy, reduce inventory holding costs, and align production with real-time market needs. Additionally, AI was leveraged for supplier risk management, allowing Cisco to proactively identify potential disruptions and shift to alternative suppliers before any impact on operations. The real-time process optimization further streamlined operations by automatically adjusting workflows and improving resource allocation.

The impact of this new AI-driven strategy on Cisco’s business results was substantial. The company achieved a 30% reduction in inventory costs due to more optimized stock levels, while supplier reliability and on-time delivery performance significantly improved through enhanced collaboration and predictive analytics. Cisco also became much more agile, enabling it to quickly respond to market changes and disruptions by dynamically adjusting production and shipping schedules.

Overall, Cisco’s adoption of AI brought major improvements in operational efficiency, supply chain resilience, and responsiveness to market dynamics, positioning the company with a competitive advantage in an increasingly fast-paced global market.

The AI strategy principles outlined in this chapter offer a guide for any company seeking to navigate market disruption and position itself for long-term success in the age of AI.



Lars Nordenlund
Survival of The Strategic Fittest

Strategist, advisor, and entrepreneur with a global mindset. 20+ years of CxO experience building companies in Silicon Valley ventures and global enterprises.