Survival of The Strategic Fittest Riding The Wave of Disruptive AI

Lars Nordenlund
Survival of The Strategic Fittest
6 min readMay 11, 2023

Welcome to the new series of chapters in my business publications, where we will be exploring the topic of generating a strategic fit approach during a radical market and cognitive shifts driven by AI automation disruption.

Necessity and curiosity are the ‘mother of invention’ — and innovative strategic transformation can become an opportunity during the radical AI market shift. I will cover the strategic ability to take advantage of radical shifts in the market like AI technology, customer needs and cognitive behaviors to reimagine your business and become the next leader in your category and expand business beyond current potential.

So, let’s dive in and explore this topic further.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Survival Of The Strategic Fittest

In my time I have done more than 100 strategic transformations as an executive leader, entrepreneur or advisor for companies highly impacted by radical disruption. I have learned that whether you’re a startup or a traditional enterprise, the road to value creation in this competitive game is the same: you need to be crafting a Strategic Architecture for Success that takes advantage of the Market Shift and build a new Path to Sustainable Growth!

In today’s fast-paced business world, markets are constantly changing on a global scale, and it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to understand the patterns of radical shifts and adapt quickly to stay ahead of the wave. It’s a constant evolution to stay relevant and not become obsolete. To do this, businesses need to have a cohecive strategy that can survive and thrive in the face of constant market shifts.

In this series of chapters, we will explore the concept of Survival of the Strategic Fittest and how it can help businesses generate a winning strategy approach that will enable you to not only survive but also take leadership during a radical market shift.

Understand The Waves of Disruptive Impact

We will assess how entire industries are going through radical shifts and transformation of markets and technologies with change in cognitive behaviors. Get a deeper understanding of how market leaders and industry role models ended up in a life ending bankruptcy due to misunderstanding radical market shifts and misfits of business strategies.

The world is hit by the big disruptive wave of Generative AI with the potential to crush and build new successful industries in a context never seen before. Just within months we have seen how the AI generators like ChatGPT, has clearly demonstrated the potential to revolutionize businesses and the workforce across almost all industries.

The projected impact of AI on the world economy by 2030 is expected to be transformative and significant. According to a report by PwC, AI is estimated to contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, making it the biggest commercial opportunity in the coming decade.

This contribution will come from various sectors, including entertainment healthcare, manufacturing, finance, and transportation, where AI is expected to drive innovation, productivity gains, and cost savings. Additionally, the report suggests that AI could boost global GDP by 14% by 2030, leading to increased job opportunities and higher wages.

These projections highlight the immense potential of AI to reshape the global economy in the next decade, driving growth and revolutionizing industries across the board. It’s your leadership choice to define a strategy that can ride the wave of disruptive AI or get caught in the rumble.

The sports industry, as an example is undergoing a dramatic transformation due to advancements in AI automation and generative AI. These technologies are changing the way sports are played, analyzed, and broadcasted. Traditional businesses must adapt to these changes to stay competitive, while future winners will be those who can leverage AI to improve athlete performance and provide unique and personalized experiences for fans. The survival of the strategic fittest is dependent on the ability to embrace new technologies and stay ahead of the wave.

Generative AI can automate repetitive tasks and generate content at scale, increasing productivity and efficiency. For example, the use of generative AI in creative content creation has already transformed the marketing industry. Companies like Nike and Coca-Cola are leveraging generative AI to produce personalized marketing materials that resonate with individual customers.

In addition, the AI technology is also being used in fields such as finance, healthcare, and education, where it has the potential to revolutionize data analysis, drug discovery, and personalized learning. While the impact of generative AI on the workforce is not yet fully understood, it has the potential to create new job roles and transform existing ones, making them more focused on strategic thinking and creative problem-solving. That is where you need to understand how the impact on business models are accelerated with a reimagined experience and how businesses has forever changed across almost evey type of industries.

In the next chapters we will establish a structure to better monitor radical shifts and architect strategies to take advantage of them.

Take Advantage of The AI Wave of Impact To Be The Most Strategic Fit

Ride the wave of evolution. Time of economic uncertainty and radical shifts could be your chance to be the next leader of the pack as the “Survival Of The Fittest” — which is a well known phrase that originated from the Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection. Use the time of Radical Distrubtive Shifts as an opportuity to change the game in your industry.

The concept of Strategic Fit expresses the degree to which an organization is matching its resources and capabilities with the opportunities in the external environment. Which means trying to match a market in radical change. That’s the real challenge for many business leaders.

So, what does all of this mean for the strategy of a business or a brand? It means the company or brand best “fitted,” or best “adapted” to its markets and customers will outperform competition. We will step by step go thought my strategic framework and approach.

Fig 1. Survival of The Fittest, Strategic Framework ®Nordenlund

Successful value creating companies over time re-invent and adapt to market change with agile, innovative and market-driven re-iterations, slight twists, turns and adaptation — then the you have strategic fit architected with a business model for the next evolution. It is like the big wave surfers analyzing the weather patterns, getting in position for the big wave and then ride it with skill and control.

The big waves of impact is the exact time to reimagine how to serve customers better with a strategic fit business model. To be more efficient and provide a unique customer experience to gain, instead of lose market share. It’s about getting fit for a present and future that looks very different than even last year.

Strategic evolution of the fittest: that’s the playing field in the world of business today, and it’s not level. Use the radical AI market shift as leverage to business transformation and success.

Many leaders are concerned if their current strategy is sufficient, and radical market change like Generative AI drives uncertainty — but that is not the time to slow down. Innovation for business growth initiatives are critical for economic value creation, even survival, throughout an economic cycle and you should have conversations right now with your leadership team and advisory network on how to make your business the winner on the other side. It’s a climb to the summit to grow your company through the stages of ideation, incubation, operation and transformation.

Ask yourself whether you have a strategic fit strategy that has the potential to scale and make a difference through change of times and radical market shifts. Ask yourself if you have a strong enough business model that can execute on that mission and vision and make you stay relevant when the hurricane of shifts hit your business. Ask if you are agile and willing to adapt and change, eventually reinventing yourself and pivoting when you have to, because you probably will need to.

I would love to hear your story and start a conversation about how you bring your business to the next level. Leave comments or reach me directly HERE



Lars Nordenlund
Survival of The Strategic Fittest

Strategist, advisor, and entrepreneur with a global mindset. 20+ years of CxO experience building companies in Silicon Valley ventures and global enterprises.