Here’s How You Can Start Prepping on A Budget

Just a Guy
Survive & Thrive
Published in
6 min readMar 5, 2024
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Have you ever wanted to build an outstanding survivalist setup but were held down by a limited budget? Fear not, resourceful preppers! This post reveals tips for starting your prepping adventure on a budget, including creative hacks and wise investments. Join us as we demonstrate that you can be resourceful and prepared, regardless of your budget. Let the adventure of budget planning begin!

I. Assessing Your Needs and Priorities

Identifying potential threats

Understanding potential risks is critical in a world that is constantly evolving. From natural calamities to economic insecurity and personal health hazards, a comprehensive approach can help you develop a strong foundation.

A contextual example of an evaluated threat for inner-city residents would be a lack of access to supplies, as well as being surrounded by a large number of other people who could quickly become hostile in an all-out emergency.

When the grid is down, prioritize fundamentals because they are the most important. Water, food, shelter, and basic first aid are your lifelines. Prioritize appropriately to ensure that you cover the essentials. The basic rule of thumb is that you will have three days before anarchy breaks out. Most folks do not have enough goods to make it another week.

Here Are Some Questions To Help Assess Your Readiness

Current Supplies:

  1. How long can your food stache last?
  2. The average person would need one gallon of water a day for hydration and cooking. How long will your water supplies last?
  3. If your local populace gets chaotic, do you have the ability to defend your home/shelter?

II. Creating a Budget-Friendly Preparedness Plan

Developing a Budget-Friendly Preparedness Plan is an essential component of guaranteeing resilience without depleting your financial resources. Let’s go deeper into the tactics that make this approach not only effective but also feasible for people with varying budgets.

Setting Realistic Financial Goals

Aligning Objectives and Your Budget

Before going into the specifics, it is critical to align your preparedness objectives with your financial situation. Set attainable and realistic goals that take into account your income, expenses, and long-term financial ambitions. This ensures that your emergency preparedness plan complements, not contradicts, your overall financial strategy.

Allocating a Monthly Budget

Once you’ve determined your financial goals, set aside a monthly budget for disaster planning. Set aside funds for necessary items such as emergency supplies, long-term storage, and educational resources. This rigorous strategy avoids overpaying and provides a planned foundation for your preparation journey.

Identifying Saving Opportunities

Effective budgeting is more than just allocating dollars; it also entails discovering savings opportunities. Conduct a detailed examination of your present spending habits to identify areas where you may minimize costs. Redirecting these monies toward your preparation strategy assures a proactive and long-term approach.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

DIY Prepping For You

In the realm of preparedness, being self-sufficient is key, especially when faced with unforeseen challenges. One invaluable resource that aligns perfectly with the frugal prepper’s ethos is the book, NO GRID Survival Projects. Authored by Michael Major, a seasoned veteran and DIY expert, this paperback treasure encompasses 302 color pages packed with 70 ingenious projects designed to navigate a world without electricity.

Among the noteworthy projects is the Pressurized Rainwater Harvesting and Purification System, a DIY solar energy system designed to power essential appliances during blackouts or after an EMP, showcasing the book’s comprehensive approach to self-reliance. Investing in this guide not only grants access to life-saving information but empowers readers to fortify their properties before the need arises.

III. Building a Budget-Friendly Emergency Food Supply

Building a Budget-Friendly Emergency Food Supply is a crucial aspect of preparedness, ensuring you have sustenance during challenging times without straining your finances. Let’s delve deeper into the strategies that can help you create a robust and economical food storage plan.

Affordable Staple Foods

The Versatility of Rice and Beans

Rice and beans are the unsung heroes of cost-effective emergency food supplies. Not only are they inexpensive, but they also contain a high concentration of critical nutrients. These fundamentals are a versatile base for a variety of meals and may be stored for long periods of time without losing quality. Accept different types of rice and beans to bring variety to your cupboard.

Rice and dried beans can have a shelf life of up to 25 years if you vacuum seal them.

I found a Vacuum Sealer and Vacuum Seal Bags and Oxygen Absorbers on Amazon for you. You can start increasing your food storage by the end of the week. Simply throw some rice, dried beans, or oats into a bag with a single oxygen absorber, seal it, and it will be good for 25 years!

Canned Goods: A Practical Solution

Canned goods are a prepper’s best friend in terms of cost and convenience. From vegetables and fruits to meats and soups, canned foods offer a wide range of options. To save the most money, buy in bulk during sales and promotions. Keep an eye on expiration dates to ensure that your stockpile is fresh and ready for consumption.

Bulk Purchases for Long-Term Savings

Purchasing in bulk is a wise decision for budget-conscious preppers. For more affordable options, look to wholesalers or bulk food retailers. This not only lowers the per-unit cost but also reduces the number of trips to the store. Ensure adequate storage to preserve the quality of bulk purchases over time.

Photo by Aaron Doucett on Unsplash

IV. Water Preparedness on a Budget

Water Preparedness on a Budget is an important part of emergency planning that ensures you have a consistent and safe water supply without breaking the bank. Let’s look at some cost-effective water storage and purifying options.

A. Affordable Water Storage Solutions

Repurposing Containers: A Sustainable Approach

Repurposing containers is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly technique to develop water storage systems. Clean, food-grade containers, such as large plastic bottles or drums, can be reused to hold water. To keep stored water fresh, ensure that it is thoroughly cleaned before use and consider rotating it regularly.

Affordable Water Filters: An Investment in Health

Purchasing water filters is a good decision for budget-conscious preppers. Affordable choices, such as portable water filter straws or gravity-fed filters, easily remove contaminants and ensure that your water is safe to drink. Look for filters with replaceable cartridges to increase their lifespan and cost-effectiveness.

Rainwater Harvesting: Nature’s Contribution

Harnessing the power of nature through rainwater harvesting is an inexpensive way to ensure your water supply. Install simple rain barrels to collect rainwater from your roof. This gathered water can be used for non-potable applications like watering plants or flushing toilets, decreasing your need for additional water sources.

B. Water Purification Methods

Boiling Water

Boiling is one of the most dependable and cost-effective water purifying technologies. Boil water for at least one minute (or three minutes at higher elevations) to eliminate germs, viruses, and parasites. This simple but powerful approach simply requires a heat source, making it usable even in low-resource environments.

Disinfection Tablets

Water disinfection pills are a small and cost-effective alternative for emergency water treatment. These tablets usually contain chlorine or iodine, which efficiently kills dangerous germs. Follow the label directions to guarantee optimum usage and dose, making them an ideal choice for on-the-go purification.

I found some water purification tablets that you can either use or store away for an emergency. You can see them on Amazon, HERE.

DIY Filtration Systems

For those who enjoy DIY projects, building your filtration system is both affordable and empowering. A basic filtration system made of sand, gravel, and activated charcoal can effectively remove pollutants. While it may not be as efficient as commercial filters, it is a viable alternative for clean drinking water on a tight budget.

In conclusion, Water Preparedness on a Budget aims to provide sustainable and practical solutions for ensuring a clean and reliable water supply. You may create a sustainable water strategy without breaking the bank by recycling containers, investing in low-cost water filters, and mastering purifying procedures such as boiling and disinfection tablets. Remember, water is a basic necessity, and with careful planning, you can ensure your access to it even in difficult conditions.

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Just a Guy
Survive & Thrive

Blogging about survival, prepping, and bushcraft.