Top 5 Things You Should Do Immediately After an EMP Attack

Just a Guy
Survive & Thrive
Published in
6 min readOct 16, 2023

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack could potentially wipe out all electronic devices, leaving us without power, communication, and access to essential resources. While it is difficult to predict when or if an EMP attack will occur, it is crucial to be prepared and know what to do in case it does. Here are the top five things you should do immediately after an EMP attack:

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

1. Secure Food, Water, and Shelter

Without electricity, it could be challenging to find food and water, especially in urban areas. The first thing you should do after an EMP attack is to secure food, water, and shelter. Stockpile non-perishable food items such as canned goods, dried fruits, and vegetables, and invest in a reliable water filtration system. It is also important to find a secure shelter to protect yourself from potential looters and dangerous elements.

Securing food, water, and shelter is crucial immediately after an EMP attack since these are the basic necessities of life. Without electricity, finding and accessing these necessities could become extremely challenging, especially in urban areas. Here are some more details on how you can secure food, water, and shelter after an EMP attack:

I found a helpful EMP-Proof storage bag that can be used to store electronics inside of to shield them from a future EMP event. The Faraday Bag on is large enough to store a laptop. Consider hiding solar-powered battery banks inside of it.


It is essential to stockpile non-perishable food items that can last for an extended period. Canned goods, dried fruits and vegetables, and freeze-dried meals are some examples of non-perishable food items that you can store. You should also consider investing in a high-quality food dehydrator that can help you preserve food for an extended period. It is also important to have a can opener, cooking utensils, and a portable stove to prepare your food.


Water is an essential element for survival, and it is crucial to have access to clean and safe drinking water immediately after an EMP attack. Investing in a reliable water filtration system such as a water filter straw, gravity-fed water filter, or portable water purifier can help you obtain clean water from any source. You should also have water storage containers to store water for an extended period. It is recommended to have at least one gallon of water per person per day.


A secure shelter is crucial to protect yourself from potential looters and dangerous elements after an EMP attack. You should have a pre-planned safe place to go to in case you need to evacuate your home. You should also consider investing in a high-quality tent, sleeping bag, and blankets to keep yourself warm and dry in case you cannot find a suitable shelter.

Additionally, it is important to secure your home by installing sturdy locks and reinforcing windows and doors. It is also essential to have a backup power source such as a generator or a solar power system to maintain essential services such as lighting and heating.

It is also important to remember that securing food, water, and shelter is not a one-time event. You should regularly check and rotate your stockpile of food and water to ensure that they are still usable. It is also crucial to practice and prepare for emergency situations by participating in survival training and drills.

Photo by Evan Leith on Unsplash

2. Secure Medical Supplies

An EMP attack could also disrupt the healthcare system, making it difficult to access medical supplies and services. It is essential to have a stockpile of essential medical supplies such as bandages, antibiotics, pain relievers, and other necessary medications. It is also important to learn basic first aid skills to handle emergencies that may arise.

In the aftermath of an EMP attack, medical supplies, and services may be disrupted, and it may become challenging to access healthcare facilities or obtain necessary medical supplies. Therefore, securing medical supplies should be a top priority immediately after an EMP attack. Here are some more details on how to secure medical supplies:

First Aid Kit:

Every household should have a well-stocked first aid kit that includes essential medical supplies such as bandages, gauze, medical tape, antiseptic wipes, scissors, tweezers, and disposable gloves. The first aid kit should also include necessary medications such as pain relievers, anti-diarrheal medication, and allergy medication. It is important to regularly check and replace the expired items in the first aid kit to ensure that they are ready for use when needed.

Prescription Medication:

If you or a family member takes prescription medication, it is important to have a sufficient supply of medication to last for an extended period. You should speak to your healthcare provider and obtain a three-month supply of medication or more if possible. It is also important to store the medication in a cool and dry place to prevent degradation.

Medical Training:

In addition to medical supplies, it is important to have basic medical training to handle emergency situations that may arise. You should consider taking a first aid course and learning basic medical skills such as wound care, CPR, and administering medications. You should also practice these skills regularly to ensure that you can perform them effectively in an emergency situation.

Medical Records:

It is important to have copies of your medical records in case you need to seek medical attention in the aftermath of an EMP attack. You should have copies of your medical history, immunization records, and any relevant medical conditions or allergies. You should also have a list of emergency contacts and medical providers.

Sanitation Supplies:

Sanitation supplies are also essential in the aftermath of an EMP attack to prevent the spread of diseases. You should have a sufficient supply of soap, hand sanitizer, and disinfectants to maintain proper hygiene. You should also consider investing in a portable toilet and garbage bags to dispose of waste properly.

In conclusion, securing medical supplies is essential immediately after an EMP attack to ensure that you and your family can handle medical emergencies that may arise. You should have a well-stocked first aid kit, a sufficient supply of prescription medication, basic medical training, copies of medical records, and sanitation supplies. It is also important to regularly check and replace expired items and practice emergency medical skills to be prepared for any situation.

3. Establish Communication with Loved Ones

In an EMP attack, communication channels could be severely affected. It is crucial to establish communication with loved ones immediately after an EMP attack. You can use two-way radios, walkie-talkies, or other forms of communication that do not rely on electronic devices. It is also essential to have a pre-planned meeting place in case you get separated from your family or loved ones.

One way you can invest in communicating with your loved ones in the event of an EMP is through long-range walkie-talkies. Depending on how far you live from your family you may be able to find walk-talkies with a range of 25 miles or even up to 38 miles on

4. Protect Yourself from Potential Threats

An EMP attack could potentially cause chaos and widespread panic, leading to an increase in crime and violence. It is crucial to protect yourself from potential threats by investing in self-defense tools such as firearms, knives, or other non-lethal weapons. It is also important to avoid traveling alone and stay in well-lit areas to reduce the risk of being attacked.

The worst time to prepare for confrontation is the moment that it happens.

5. Generate Your Own Power

Without electricity, it could be challenging to maintain essential services such as lighting and heating. It is essential to generate your own power to maintain essential services. You can invest in solar panels, wind turbines, or other alternative sources of energy to generate power for your home.

One of the best investments I have personally made was getting my hands on a book titled “NO GRID Survival Projects” which I just linked for you. Included in the book is a chapter “Projects Related To Electricity” in which you get step-by-step instructions on generating your own power with bicycles, DIY hydroelectric generators, DIY wind turbines, and EMP-proofing your house.

In conclusion

An EMP attack could potentially be catastrophic, and it is crucial to be prepared and know what to do in case it occurs. The above-listed things are some of the essential steps that you should take immediately after an EMP attack to ensure your survival and the survival of your loved ones.



Just a Guy
Survive & Thrive

Blogging about survival, prepping, and bushcraft.