Writing Update #3

Survivorship Bias
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2 min readMar 4, 2016

Alright, alright, alright. The second draft is done!

Thirty Days of Writing

This brings me both excitement and worry. I’m excited because this version of the project is almost done, but also worried because I know it won’t be good enough.

All the writers who I consider idols/mentors/heroes comment that nothing ever feels done, but you need to ship it anyways. While I may not be in the same class as them, I feel this pang too. I want to keep refining, working, collecting, and researching.

Just the other day Autopsy.io released an update with more postmortems.

Do I dive in and do more or do I release what I have? I wondered.

I’m going to release it, and here’s why:

  1. There’s no indication that more time would make it better. If those idols/mentors/heroes feel their work is never done that must just be part of writing.
  2. The project I have now feels like it’s natural size. The evidence and conclusions I’ve written feel right. I’m not sure how much more data I need, how many more conclusions there are to draw.
  3. I wanted this to be a small project. No launch page. No website (other than Medium). Justin Jackson and John Saddington have written and spoken a lot about making (small) things, and they inspired me to make this.

The plan going forward is to let this edit sit for 48 hours because it gives my thoughts a chance to refresh for the final edit. Next week the book will be on Amazon.

