OST⍺3 Final Post — Surwei

Tiago Alves
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2018

It’s been a pleasure to develop Surwei for the past 4 weeks and seeing how easy it is to create a new branded token with OST and integrate OST Kit.

The concept is pretty straightforward: a survey builder tool that allows the creator to reward each user for their replies. Imagine you want to collect information on your new project, how can you incentivize users to reply to your questions? Well now you can by rewarding them with SWEI.

Homepage of Surwei

1- What problem does your project solve for and what was the user need for creating your token economy?

Surwei solves the need for an incentive based mechanism for users to reply to surveys. By providing a way for survey creators to reward the users that reply to them, they’re able to get more replies in less time and with better quality. It also allows creators to collect users information and contact to follow up on the survey answers.

A token economy with the creation of SWEI allows to streamline that process and rely on a decentralized source of truth to keep track of users’ balances, transactions and airdrops.

2- What was your key goal behind doing the challenge?

The main goal was to build a useful and practical application that not only answers to my own personal needs as a developer to validate ideas but also to know more about OST and how simple or difficult it would be to develop a whole new token economy using a new platform.

Turns out that the integration is very straightforward and simple to get started with, without jeopardizing the ability to create complex interactions and models.

3- How did you plan the design for your wallet features?

Using the Ledger, Balance, Transaction, Airdrops and Users API’s via the ruby SDK, it was very simple to build the foundations for the Surwei infrastructure.

Ledger integration on Surwei

The user has access at all times to his/her balance and can easily access all the transactions (ledger). Green and red colors alongside the arrows visually indicate if the transaction is credit or debit into his/her own account.

4. What did you like about using these APIs?

Simplicity, documentation and how easy it was to get started. After creating SWEI, the branded token, it was just a matter of minutes to integrate the first user on Surwei, airdropping the tokens and start issuing the first transactions. Also the ability to easily check all the transactions with OST View is really helpful.

OST View
Logs of Ledger API integration

5. What did you learn about designing these wallet features?

Having all the guides about creating your own token economy was very helpful in the beginning since it’s overwhelming to learn about all the different components and parameterization required to make sure it’s a viable issuing token.

Dashboard example

Moreover, I believe it’s important to keep the user informed at all times about the current token balance and give the opportunity to understand the full transaction list that got him / her to that balance. Having the ability to do that without worrying about all the technical implications it’s definitely one of the main advantages of Surwei.

The last 4 weeks have been all about making sure an MVP of Surwei could be built for the final presentation. It would be great to continue development of Surwei and make it available after the alpha period to the whole community.

Looking forward to checkout the other projects’ videos and continue learning alongside the community.



Tiago Alves
Editor for

Creating products for impact and/or profit. Former MD.