Our Investment in Text Blaze

Leo Polovets
Susa Ventures
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2021

By Leo Polovets, General Partner at Susa Ventures

Susa Ventures is excited to announce our investment in Text Blaze, the easiest way to save time on repetitive typing tasks. We’re investing alongside Two Sigma Ventures and strategic angels like Kyle Tibbitts and Dharmesh Shah, and we are thrilled to welcome Dan and Scott to the Susa Family.

As a former software engineer, I love leverage and hate inefficiency. Typing the same text snippets and repeating the same tasks over and over is a waste of time, and we shouldn’t be spending hours on this kind of busy work when it can be automated with software. Enter Text Blaze.

Text Blaze’s Chrome extension eliminates repetitive typing tasks across every website you use by making it easy to set up snippets that are automatically generated whenever you type an appropriate keyword. The GIF below provides a great demo.

A demo of Text Blaze’s fast snippet creation

While Text Blaze has a simple, friendly UX, there’s a lot of power under the hood. One advanced feature that I use heavily is dynamic forms, which prompt you to fill out a few fields in a snippet before it’s generated. Another fun feature is formulas, which can be used for tasks like auto-generating invoices where the total is automatically computed from the list of invoice items.

A demo of Text Blaze’s dynamic forms.

But what makes Text Blaze especially exciting to me as both a user and as an investor is its growing library of integrations. These integrations allow snippets to be populated with data from products like Gmail and Salesforce, and can also automate follow-up actions like entering data in Hubspot or posting a Slack message. As Text Blaze builds out more and more integrations, it becomes a personal command center that can save hours of time each week while ensuring messaging consistency both for individual users, and for their teams and companies. The end game looks similar to Zapier, if Zapier was much more flexible and easy to use.

I first tried Text Blaze a few months ago and fell in love instantly. The product has saved me hours over the past few months — and that’s time I can use to do more deep work or spend more time with my family. What’s more, repetitive typing tasks are no longer draining or daunting or something that I put off to the last minute. I’m grateful to be one of over 20,000 daily users who are each saving over an hour per day (!) on average.

I was eager to invest as soon as I tried the product, and my excitement only grew after I met Dan and Scott. They have exceptional backgrounds in product and engineering, and previously built internal productivity tools for salespeople at Google — so they know exactly what it takes to build software that makes people more productive.

If you want to save time on writing canned responses, intros, follow-ups, or any other repetitive writing, give Text Blaze a try: https://blaze.today/. And if you want to help people all over the world save hours of time, the company has open roles for engineering, growth, and product marketing.



Leo Polovets
Susa Ventures

Partner @SusaVentures. Blog: http://codingvc.com. Previously: 2nd non-founding engineer @LinkedIn → @Google → early engineer @Factual.