Saying Farewell to Natalie Arora

Susa Ventures
Susa Ventures
Published in
Nov 8, 2022

We have some bittersweet news to share: Natalie Arora, our Head of Operations, will be departing Susa Ventures after almost five years.

During her tenure, we scaled from two to six funds, added 100 portfolio companies, and doubled our team size — all while keeping the train on the tracks. Internally, she scaled firm operations (finance, HR, legal, IR, marketing, office) & quarterbacked fundraising for 4 new funds. Externally, she worked to productize the Susa founder experience at every touchpoint — founder onboarding, community gatherings (Mountain Tech Summit, Family Dinners, Susa Bootcamps), communications, recruiting support (Summer Fellows Program), and so much more. It’s been a privilege to help build Susa alongside Natalie.

While we’re sad to see her go, she will forever remain part of the Susa family, and we look forward to seeing what she does in her next adventure.

Team Susa



Susa Ventures
Susa Ventures

Susa Ventures is an early stage venture capital firm, investing in a growing family of dreamers and builders.