An update from Sushi Chef Stories

Why are fewer articles coming out?

Clifton Long Jr.
Sushi Chef Stories
2 min readJun 29, 2020


At night, a back alley in downtown Tokyo is lit by business signs
Photo by Jase Bloor on Unsplash

Hey all,

This has been a crazy year for all of us. And in dealing with that craziness, I haven’t been able to focus as much on this blog. If you’ve been looking forward to seeing new stories about all things Japan, only to find no updates, I’m sorry! 🙏

The truth is, the year 2020 has turned life upside down for me. Like many others, I’ve been out of work for several months. A lot of my time has been spent figuring things out, and deciding what the next step is.

My home country — the United States — is being rocked with a historic trifecta of economic collapse, civil liberties reform, and a growing pandemic. And unfortunately, with a selfish, ignorant chunk of the population refusing to wear masks or observe social distancing, America isn’t great; nor will it be great any time soon.

What have I been up to?

Alas, I’ve kept busy. You may know I’m a chef, but I’m also a design student. Changing careers into UX/UI and product design takes a lot of commitment, and it’s eaten most of my time.

For those interested:

And that’s not even including the job hunt. Times are busy, so I regret that Sushi Chef Stories has been neglected. Still, I’ll try to get at least one article up every month.

Most importantly, dear reader…

… I hope that you are doing all right.

I hope you aren’t sick, I hope you aren’t worrying about how you’ll pay rent next month, and I hope you are safe from hate. Black Lives Matter, and I’m happy that many Americans have finally realized this. ✊🏿

So until next time: Thanks for all your patience and support, and look forward to a new story soon!

Yours truly,

Clifton Long Jr.



Clifton Long Jr.
Sushi Chef Stories

Tech nerd / Retired sushi chef / Quarter-Japanese redhead