Simply Explained: Greenwashing by Subscription Services

Sustainability Directory
Sustainability Directory
3 min readJun 25, 2024

Greenwashing by Subscription Services: Convenience or Con?

Subscription boxes seem like the ultimate in convenience — all those goodies delivered right to your door! But with so many companies jumping on the “eco-friendly” bandwagon, it’s getting seriously hard to tell who’s actually walking the walk on sustainability. Let’s look at how greenwashing sneaks into subscriptions and what to look for before you hit that “subscribe” button.

Subscription Services: Where Greenwashing Thrives

Think about it: subscription services are all about the image. Each box is a little self-care package, and who doesn’t want to feel good about that and support the planet? But here’s where things get tricky:

  • The “green” halo: One recycled item in the box, and boom! The whole thing is branded as sustainable, distracting you from the other not-so-great stuff in there.
  • Small changes, big claims: Maybe they switched to slightly less plastic packaging. That’s a start, but they hype it up like they solved climate change.
  • Mystery sourcing: Where those products actually come from and how they’re made is often a black box. “Eco-friendly” loses its meaning without transparency.
A swirl of dark and light tubes, symbolizing the ocean currents, entraps a colorful mix of plastic waste, illustrating the urgent issue of marine pollution tied to unsustainable plastic use.
Visual Representation of Plastic Waste Engulfing Marine Life, Highlighting Urgency for Sustainable Practices

Spotting Greenwashing in Your Subscription Box

To avoid getting tricked, ask yourself these questions:

  • What’s really inside? Break down the box item by item. Are the materials truly sustainable? Is it stuff you’ll actually use, or will it end up in the landfill?
  • Company-wide impact: Does this brand have clear sustainability goals beyond a single subscription box? Look at their whole operation.
  • Proof, not promises: Do they share specific data on their environmental footprint and reduction efforts? Third-party certifications are a good sign too.

What Authentic Sustainable Subscriptions Look Like

They do exist! Here’s what sets them apart:

  • Focusing on need, not novelty: These boxes offer products that replace disposables, minimize waste, and actually help you live a more sustainable lifestyle.
  • Ethical sourcing matters: They’re upfront about where their products come from, the working conditions, and how they support local communities.
  • Built to last: Instead of cheap, trendy items, they prioritize high-quality products designed to be used and loved for a long time.

Your Power as a Conscious Consumer

Don’t let greenwashing win…

  • Research is your friend: Before subscribing, dig into a company’s website and look for independent reviews.
  • Unsubscribe from the hype: Just because a box is beautifully packaged doesn’t mean it’s good for the planet.
  • Vote with your wallet: Support subscription services that truly align with your values and create the change you want to see.

The Bottom Line

Subscription services can be fantastic tools for living more sustainably — if you choose wisely. By being informed and demanding accountability, you can avoid greenwashing and make your consumer choices a powerful force for good.

