The Future of Sustainability in America

What’s United States’ future?

“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese”. These were the words from our President Donald Trump.

Donald Trump the 45th president of the United States, leader of the free world, believes that global warming is a fraud.

Minuets after Donald Trump took the oath of office: LGBT rights, civil rights, climate change, and health care immediately vanished from under the “issues” section. This little action can shape the future of sustainability in America.

What does this mean? And how will this affect me?

Climate change not only can impact future generations but also affects us now in everyday weather. Extreme weather is typically rare but climate change is increasing the odds of more extreme weathers. Even with the smallest rise in the average temperature can boost the odds of a heat wave. Heat waves are extremely dangerous and can cause serious health issues such as asthma and heart disease. Not only does it cause health issue, it can also threaten livestock and kill crops. The last two decades of the 20th century have been hottest in the last 400 years according to climate studies. Not only is the weather getting hotter the sea levels have risen about 7 inches in the last 100 years, which is more than the previous 2000 years combined. The rising sea level can destroy homes and affect millions of people around coasts. Not only will human life be threatened, wildlife will also be threatened.

The first six month of 2016 set a record as the warmest respective month globally.

Global warming is the affect of climate change. In 2012 California’s governor Jerry Brown declared that the state was in an extreme drought due to high weather conditions and the lack of rainfall. By late 2016 and early 2017 California experienced heavy storms that overflowed the state.

What does our future look like?

By the year 2100, the average temperature will rise by 5.8 degrees as a result of global warming. Due to the rapid increase in the world’s population, deforestation and CO2 emission is also increasing to meet our natural demand for resources. Because we have a president who believes that climate change is “made up by the Chinese” it is highly likely that he is going to ignore the problem or even make it worse. According to IPCC 2007 report, sea levels will rise by 7–23 inches by the end of the century due to global warming. This might not affect us in the moment but for our future generations we have to start taking action.

Is Trump helping to increase Global Warming?

Yes! Earlier this year Mr Trump has suggested he will withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change. Despite evidence and scientific research President Trump do not believe in climate change. When the leader of the free world declares that climate change is fraud, people tend to believe him because of his title. I mean he is the president, right? This means that people will most likely ignore the fact of global warming and might not be as cautious as before. Big companies can also take advantage of this opportunity to produce more products thus increasing the levels of CO2.

Dr Vandana Shiva is a trained Physicist, in November 2010, Fobes Magazine ranked Dr. Shiva as one of the Seven Most Powerful Women on the Globe. She has dedicated herself to saving the planet by teaching local farmers alternative ways to farm. She has participated in many extensive researches and have made significant contributions in the fight against biotechnology and genetic farming. Dr Shiva has worked in the field of agriculture for more than 40 years.

Vandana Shiva: “One of the biggest walls that needs to come down is the wall of illusions, illusions that tell us the more money that moves in the economic and society the better off we are.” This is the true reality we living in, a “Corporate State” described by Shiva where income and higher profits is corporation's top priority. A state where corporations have no loyalty to anyone but their profits.

It seems like Dr. Shiva predicted the future already

President Donald Trump, has a net worth of $3.9 billion, he is known as one of the biggest entrepreneur in America. Not only will trump help (the already powerful) corporations to grow, he is also in favor of big companies. It is truly going to be Trump’s Climate Genocide. We have to start locally, by farming, and spreading the word about global warming or by 2020 it might be too late…

“Corporation in the next few decades will destroy this planet in terms of human.”- Dr. Shiva

