Capitalists Eat Cash

What will capitalists eat when food can no longer be grown?

Nutritionists often remind their patients to eat lots of greens in order to stay healthy. Capitalists must not realize that by “greens” they mean spinach, kale, and other vegetables. However, it seems possible at this point that they have evolved to receive nutrition from consuming their large sums of twenties, fifties, and hundreds. Despite every effort to convince capitalists that they could make a difference in ensuring that our society doesn’t end in extreme famine, they continue to support and create companies that are essentially ruining the environment and slowly murdering the communities they are based in.

Where the land assassinates the wrong people

On December 2, 1984 in Bhopal, India there was a poisonous gas leak killing over 20,000 people. The methyl isocyanate and other chemicals being leaked were meant to be a part of a pesticide product for Union Carbide Corporation (UCC), a company later merged with Dow Chemical. Despite the fact that there were multiple means in place to prevent a disaster likes this from happening, all six were inoperable. The day the leak happened there was chaos of people running around with burning eyes and trampling their neighbors in the process. Even now, years later the city is still affected. Their soil and water are contaminated, many of them have life threatening diseases, and women can’t even breastfeed their babies without poisoning them.

Breast milk, soil to grow food, and fresh water should all be accessible to every life form. Those are some of the most basic necessities of life. Capitalists who own companies like UCC have women in their lives that get to make the very natural decision of whether or not they would like to breast feed their children while the women in Bhopal can’t even enjoy giving that type of nurturing without hurting their babies.

Food can’t be grown in this land because of how the chemicals have affected the soil. The company owners living in their mansions probably can’t even comprehend the feeling of being hungry nor do they have enough compassion to understand that the people and land of Bhopal are sick; this type of ignorance helps relieve them of the guilt of ruining the lives of all of the people in the city. If capitalists like these continue to ignore the fact that they are killing Mother Earth and her inhabitants, it will be really ironic when their grandchildren inherit loaded bank accounts, but still can’t get a bite to eat.

Nature is a member of the family

Citizens of Earth need to learn to take better care of their planet. We continue to take from the land and hurt it. Our economy in the United States supports the neglect of the land. This is because capitalists have fought to give corporations legal statuses to lift the personal responsibilities from themselves; a mindset that suggests, “it’s not my fault, it’s the fault of the company”. Large companies convince farmers to buy genetically modified seeds from them by telling the farmers that the vegetables grow larger and faster resulting in more profit. The truth is that those same farmers end up not being able to grow enough to make ends meet because their seeds are mostly duds. This isn’t a new topic either, in the 1860’s when Britain was colonizing India, any land that was not used for farming was deemed a wasteland. Wastelands included the forests that, even though they produce vibrant lives, weren’t privately owned and therefore, were a waste because they didn’t produce any revenue.

Fifty percent of the world’s trees gone in the last hundred years, for paper, for cash crops, for profit. We learn about photosynthesis in elementary school and how plants take in carbon dioxide in order to create oxygen. That is the air we constantly breathe. By allowing these types of companies to continue as they are, aren’t we allowing them to slowly suffocate us? Every part of our environment is connected and yet we steadily allow the poisoning of the water we drink, the water that showers our vegetables, and the same water that our animals drink. Though, there are many of us who have not seen the effects of this first hand there are people dying everyday for this very reason.

Cash crops make companies a lot of money and fast. Cash crops destroy the previously existing environment in order to make space for a farm with just one type of plant being grown. This is an issue because biodiversity is important, besides that fact that it makes our planet more beautiful. The more biodiversity the planet has means the more plants and animals we have for food, medicine, and for clearing the air of pollution. Their roles are all connected and if we keep letting large companies cut down trees for their businesses as a way to develop our country and ours, we are actually just giving them permission to kill us.

I feel as though capitalists should be able to see that being able to live life is a sort of profit. Many capitalists make too much money to even spend in a lifetime, they should learn that the planet they are on is meant to be enjoyed by many generations to come and use some of their profit they make off of the land to help make it healthy again.There are young people alive today too afraid to have children because they are afraid of the world ending in their own, or their children’s lifetime. It would make a big difference if they played a part in trying to get the earth last as long as possible.

If capitalists continue to actively participate in the decline of biodiversity, we can safely assume that their money has more nutritional value than any of the food produced on our planet.

